
New Member
Can anyone help , I have just purchased a Freelander 2 HSE, i do not have the manual for the sat nav. The only way to turn it on is when the engine is running.does any body know how to set it up without having the engine on.
Yeh I think I know what you are refering to. There is actually a way of switching on the car electrics without the engine.
Put the key card into slot then press the on button but dont touch any pedals, not sure how manual vehicles start but I know in auto you get to put foot on break otherwise the engine starts.
By doing this you will fully be able to use electrics including nav and radio. Let me know how you get on.

Unlike starting when a quick touch of the button (with the appropriate peddle down) will start the engine, to turn it on without starting you need to press and hold the button until the warning lights come up on the dash (with no feet on the peddles)
unbeleivable so you spend loads a dosh on a car and the **** that sold it you never told u how to work it lol

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