
New Member
Hi guys
Have been in to Curry's, comet and other places to see if there is a garmen or Tom Tom type sat nav that has an OS map on it to track my landy on the byways!
The fully trained staff of these shops just looked puzzled and really did not know what I was on about! I thought what i asked for was straight forward. All i wanted was a Sat nav that shows where I am on OS byways!
Can anyone help?
Well i don't know much about the different ones. I use the tom tom iPhone app for normal sat nave type stuff, but i don't think the maps have the detail of OS byways. I think they typically try to stick to roads that all cars can use. Sat nave companies always get slated if they start sending people up the sides of mountains or thorough ditches or deep fords.

For byways, I think your best bet really is the ordinace survey. I've got two of their iphone apps also, which do show byways and where you are on them. I've heard you can get those apps for many different types of smart phone. So maybe check that out if you have a smart phone of some kind.
I think they typically try to stick to roads that all cars can use. Sat nave companies always get slated if they start sending people up the sides of mountains or thorough ditches or deep fords.

Thats what i thought. Today we took a trip out to a shop and used the sat nav and i asked it not to go on the motorway.

Near the end of the journey it sends me down a small road that then turned to mud I didnt mind it was a nice track and it got us to our destination.:D

I guess it because the most green lanes here are marked on the map as normal roads.

Would some kind of smart phone be better for what you want?
If you get an Ipad(I know expensive) you can get the memory-map app so all your lanes can be added by buying the os maps for where you want to go. Each map(downloadable) covers 750sq km for £12.50 but it gives you the whole of the lane. OS maps with that level of detail(1:25000) don't come cheap. The TomTom addon gives you the start and finish of a lane at a public road but nothing down the lane itself whereas the memory-map gives the details so where lanes split into other lanes. I tyested it today briefly and it is pretty good and responsive.
Thanks all.
I have just down loaded back country maps app for my HTCim on a free trial at the moment, it shows all the OS mapping for great Britain, so far so good. For the full app its £6.99

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