Hello all
just had the beast (Vogue 2000 W) serviced and asked them to look at an issue on the SAT Nav and have been informed that the unit in the boot has had it and have been quoted £750 to replace as it comes from a main stealer. Does anyone know where I can get a replacement at a better price and also an updated map disc.
It would be interesting to know what a sat nav would cost from scratch, i don't have one in mine, so what would the cost be? but having said that, i don't think it would be worth the cost, seeing you can get them for under £100 now, and you can take them out and use them in other cars
Can you photograph the unit as I may be able to help. I can keep a look out at breakers years as I'm often buying potential ebay items.


Beware, some of the "portable" GPS units have problems locking on to satellites if you have the heated front screen option, they need a supplementary aerial. (same problem with Renaults which have a special anti-glare treatment).
I don't know if you meant me but just in case!!
The picks are on the side slant!! Im no David Bailey lol

I was asking for a pic of the satnav CD drive as I may be able to remove some from salvage vehicles.

Your head unit does not look too out of place in your P38. Some are hideous!!



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