
New Member

I have just had a water leak fix and it looks like the satnavs blow up but the radio has died to there is not even the little red light next to the volume control.

Does any one what has happend to the radio and if it easily repairable if not where the best place to get a new one is.

hi the water leek you had was it the rear door seal as water runs down the inside of the a piller which has holes in it and drips stright onto the satnav and dsp check for water in the plugs if you unplug the satnav waite for the red light to go out first or you will need a new satnav it wipes the menory hope this helps
Does this affect the main display in the way of making it a lower resoloution
and also kill the radio i was just wondering if im also going to need a new radio.

After some further investigation today i found the satnav has started to corrode internally due to the leak but when i looked at what i think is the radio unit there was only a bit of corrosion on the multi plugs i sprayed everything with some silicon spray and this has mad the DSP option on the main HUD re-appear does anyone have any idea where i could get a new radio unit from apart from the stealers because i reckon this could be why i have no sound in the car at all.

Any Help would be really appreciated


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