pallets fairly cheap, sent two V8's into south wales for £60

Got 3 replys back from one of the compare website things, ranging from £180 - £300:eek::eek:, all dependant on having a forklift at either end, so I've knocked that one on the head;););););)
I think I'll just crack on and sort the chassis, then have a crack at repairing mine, unless one comes up in the mean time;);)
Which brings me to my next question:rolleyes::rolleyes: Electrics scare me:eek::eek:, but the wiring, it'll have been on there since it was built, so Im not sure how well it will take being taken off and refitted. So Im thinking start from scratch, or more importantly, get someone who knows what they're doing to start from scratch:D:D
So a new (civvy) Sankey wiring loom, is this something you can buy off the shelf, I've had a quick look and haven't found anything:confused::confused: So has anyone got any ideas, and likely cost of such a thing:confused::confused:
As ever, your thoughts and 'banter' is much appreciated:cool::cool:
To be honest where you are i reckon you and doc should meet.

Pretty sure doc could fabricate a new tub as its a pretty basic shape. Maybe even increase the tub size if you wanted. Reckon single sheet cut and folded with angle iron to support corners and folded back on itself at the tops.

Awkward part is the back door unless you want a straight up tub
To be honest where you are i reckon you and doc should meet.

Pretty sure doc could fabricate a new tub as its a pretty basic shape. Maybe even increase the tub size if you wanted. Reckon single sheet cut and folded with angle iron to support corners and folded back on itself at the tops.

Awkward part is the back door unless you want a straight up tub

Cheers for the plug :D

He's up north in montrose ;) its above edinburgh

Tubs simple enough, could even make it galvanised etc, would be a two piece tub welded to a frame and strengthened with steel angle. Floor could then be just laid on top and riveted or welded in. Top would be a rivet on square made of angle too which could then be drilled to take a hard top cover

Sure he could fabricate that himself if pushed though ;)
Cheers for the plug :D

He's up north in montrose ;) its above edinburgh

Tubs simple enough, could even make it galvanised etc, would be a two piece tub welded to a frame and strengthened with steel angle. Floor could then be just laid on top and riveted or welded in. Top would be a rivet on square made of angle too which could then be drilled to take a hard top cover

Sure he could fabricate that himself if pushed though ;)

Aye, if you were a bit nearer;)
I'll have a crack at it, and see what happens:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
What thickness of steel is the tub body, or what thickness would you use for repairing it??, Im thinking ??mm sheet and then some angle along the bottom inside to give me something decent to weld to,
Aye, if you were a bit nearer;)
I'll have a crack at it, and see what happens:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
What thickness of steel is the tub body, or what thickness would you use for repairing it??, Im thinking ??mm sheet and then some angle along the bottom inside to give me something decent to weld to,

Knowing him twood be solid cast re-enforced with RSJ's :rolleyes::p
Aye, if you were a bit nearer;)
I'll have a crack at it, and see what happens:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
What thickness of steel is the tub body, or what thickness would you use for repairing it??, Im thinking ??mm sheet and then some angle along the bottom inside to give me something decent to weld to,

2mm for tub, 3mm for floor, angle whatever you want it to be

I'd presume though for repair panels it'll be more like 1.5mm
Well the story so far, stripped the old electric out and given it a good power wash (chassis), and its quite scary how good nick its in, its solid as a rock, with some surface rust here and there. Whatever they coat the chassis with, its bloody good stuff, which is my next problem, if I get off what I can of the stuff with a scraper and wire brush, Im guessing I'll be alright to paint straight over the ickle bit that's left with Hammerite straight to rust :confused::confused:
Why they don't coat all Land chassis's in that stuff I'll never know, they'd last forever:D:D:D:D
Story so far, got all the chassis painted, and still waiting on my noo lights from Paddocks that i ordered a week ago:confused::confused::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Oi wheres the updates :mad:

Paddocks only got round to delivering my lights on Friday:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
The weather was also crap half of last week and I killed my grinder:(:(:(:(
Back at bloody work now, but I'll try and get some more done this weekend;);)

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