fecking hell how much for a ####ed trailer and truck.,,,im gonna pull tbe old sankey out we have got ,it must be worth a fortune
That's not really very polite. The truck is not ####ed and when I have more time I'm sure I'll completely rebuild it, I'm not particularly interested in selling it as it's pretty bad ass and if you look on e-bay and other sites and do your research you'll see that the parts on the Sankey individually add up to a lot more than what I'm asking, and that's not taking into account the frame which is in good condition.

I don't "need" to sell it, I hope to rebuilt it, I just have 3 land rovers, a trailer, 2 spare engines, a spare gearbox, and an entire garage full of spare parts so when my other garage land lord decided to renovate without notice I don't have a lot of space to put everything as I live in Brighton and space is at a premium here.
If you don't want any comments **** off to ebay ?

God is everyone here rude and crude?

I was clear in the description what it is and what's wrong with it. Forget it! I'll take the posting down and I'll be d@mned if I post anything on here again.
the price your asking does not reflect the condition of the items your selling ,we are land rover enthusiasts not ebay ####ing tards ,if you dont like it try flogging your ****e elswhere ,
i will give you 800 for the landy and 50 for the sanky
I didn't grow up in the UK but I was raised by an english father and a dutch step mother, and telling someone to "**** off..." was always considered really rude in my house.

Have a nice evening.
the price your asking does not reflect the condition of the items your selling ,we are land rover enthusiasts not ebay ####ing tards ,if you dont like it try flogging your ****e elswhere ,
i will give you 800 for the landy and 50 for the sanky

I wouldn't sell either to you if you were the last person available with cash money.

You can't even buy the hitch for the hitch for £50 let alone the support stands, lights, wiring harness. Enthusiast my ass. You don't know what you are talking about.

Something needing a new bulkhead and crossmember but otherwise being totally sound and great fun and performing well off and on-road is not "****e" in my opinion.

I always thought these sort of forums were supposed to be like a big group of friendly people helping each other out and sharing like ideas, I obviously was quite wrong. Apparently it's just a place for bored people to spend their time poking holes (pun intended considering the rust) in other people's things and making them feel quite offended.

I'm glad you don't belong to any of my Land Rover clubs. I would quit the clubs if they had anyone like you in them.

Have a pleasant evening and like I changed the post to say, neither items are for sale anymore. If I knew how to I would remove the thread.
I wouldn't sell either to you if you were the last person available with cash money.

You can't even buy the hitch for the hitch for £50 let alone the support stands, lights, wiring harness. Enthusiast my ass. You don't know what you are talking about.

Something needing a new bulkhead and crossmember but otherwise being totally sound and great fun and performing well off and on-road is not "****e" in my opinion.

I always thought these sort of forums were supposed to be like a big group of friendly people helping each other out and sharing like ideas, I obviously was quite wrong. Apparently it's just a place for bored people to spend their time poking holes (pun intended considering the rust) in other people's things and making them feel quite offended.

I'm glad you don't belong to any of my Land Rover clubs. I would quit the clubs if they had anyone like you in them.

Have a pleasant evening and like I changed the post to say, neither items are for sale anymore. If I knew how to I would remove the thread.

Can you hurry up and not post on here again? Cos your already damned.

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