
New Member
Hi all, not sure where to post this, but in looking for the name of, or even the place to get a rod coupling nut to join the rods for the brake system in my Sankey trailer.. It's more or less the last piece of the puzzle that has taken a couple of years to complete.. I pretty sure it's 5/15ths and is like a long nut.. I have all but one of them... (Grr) could do with a supply of wheel cylinders. As mine are slightly siezed!! (Ok, half seized), but I'm hoping to gently coax them out of their shells.. I have sorted out the lights and the jockey wheel mod, and will tackle the tailgate at some point, but really could do with some brakes!!! Cheers.
Have done, but not happening...

If you have others, have you tried local fasteners places to see if they can match it, or get somert similar.:confused::confused:

Or, if its "like a long nut" could you not weld a few nuts together:confused::confused:
Tried looking local, not much about... That i can find.. Internet has some stainless steel, all in America! One would cost me £5.30 to my door.... Bit steep for a long nut!
Tried looking local, not much about... That i can find.. Internet has some stainless steel, all in America! One would cost me £5.30 to my door.... Bit steep for a long nut!

But if its £5.30 that's the only thing stopping you finishing your trailer, you might be as well just paying it surely:confused:;)
Yep will have to, just thought maybe there was another option more local than America, that stocked other Sankey parts... I know it's only a fiver... But for a nut?
Yep will have to, just thought maybe there was another option more local than America, that stocked other Sankey parts... I know it's only a fiver... But for a nut?

Have you tried LRSeries, paddocks, Craddocks, there's a place in Galloway, (off the top of my head), might be worth having a ring round, as its probably something they might have lying around, but might not be on the website:confused:;);)

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