I binned my CB got ****ed off with DREWFM !

what kind of areas are you looking to drive ?

I've got a petrol so cant do the u boat commander thing anymore !

i think we try and find this place i got idea where it is but not sure!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15hUoezSld0"]YouTube- landys show the tanks how to do it!!!!!!!!!!![/ame]

I guess it bulford side?

Cat 95
I know where that hill is... but as as said before, you dont want to go there.
Its very near some of MOD premises and buildings, so Im sure they'll have cameras pointing in that direction...
well, just speaking to a mate and looks like some 4x4 clubs arrange days there with MOD permission... this might be the case on the video.
[JP];971852 said:
well, just speaking to a mate and looks like some 4x4 clubs arrange days there with MOD permission... this might be the case on the video.
tis true but not very often and they get booked up really quick..4 wheel drive club done a competition safari there couple of months back..

the hills are really long and steep..

but as i said your likely to get your motor impounded if ya go there,most local guys know the area is a no no..

there is a byway next to it but its been closed the last few times i went there.

but the oxdrove is now open again
just a bit of a heads up guys n girls..

a friend of er in doors works for landmarc,and they have been asked to be more vigilant for "offroaders" being where they shouldnt be.

so just make sure you stick to the byways,i know we all do or atleast try but sometimes it is a bit confusing and you can make the wrong turn.

there is a very small minority im sure you are aware that treat the plains like there private playground and it is theese minority that tar all us enthusiasts with the same brush,and spoil it for us..

so be on the lookout for any landy with landmarc or shb hire on it,and just play by the rules and we can all enjoy the plains ..

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