I'd be interested. Long as it's not to extreme. Don't mind dirt,mud or scratches but I don't want to be breaking it, Oh and are you allowed to be seen in the company of a p38?
Went there earlier this year and it wasn't too extreme. We had WLM as our tour guide :). Robint was there to watch :D.Are you two reading this, up for it? There were some big wet muddy holes but always a softer option round em.
So come on then mlucas110 :D Give us some idea of dates mate. Oh, and do you know your way around the plains?
No i dont know my way around very well :eek: theres only one way to learn though and im sure can sort something out with a few locations and a good o/s map and some good tips unless anyone knows there way about

I work pretty much every saturday but normally im free any sunday pretty much except the 15th so like everyone says, it depends when everyone can get off because its always better with a few people. I was just hinting to get something started for everyone as im sure we all need a break this time of year.

As for the p38, i wouldnt give a crap if you turned up in a nissan micra aslong as you were up for a good laugh and its never been serious enough to break my defender which is about as strong as bread crust

22nd dec? or that to near xmas? could go 8th?
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The 8th would be better for me but if the 22nd was better for everyone else im sure id make it :D Ive only been there once and was led round so aint got a clue either. We did a nice rough lane before the plain but wouldn't have a clue how to find it again.
i found a really good one where you went of the road just round a corner and through a wooded area. It was great would like to find that again and also a good river crossing
i found a really good one where you went of the road just round a corner and through a wooded area. It was great would like to find that again and also a good river crossing

As you already know i'm free most weekends, but the 8th sounds good! Did the wooded area you're talking about have the river crossing?
no it was seperate it had a cool little dropping down to it then through a long river with a few paths. It was only about just over bumper deep but was still good as it changed depths. I think i know the one in the woods though. I think thats the one my wife drove through so was a worry experience for me

If we can get a few people that want to go we shall have to get a list going
I can do the 8th. I love going out across the Plains, So much you never see normally
i found a really good one where you went of the road just round a corner and through a wooded area. It was great would like to find that again and also a good river crossing
That sounds right. Im sure it was just round a corner but my memory is ****e.
i need to get my defender fixed i got a snapped exhaust whih is gasing me out and my temp guttering snorkel has gave up the ghost lol, but i am in the middle of making a new one (the joys of havin a fabricator for a friend lol)

so should be good for the 8th if enough people wanna go. Bit worried about a route though :rolleyes: could do with someone with some knowledge
I thought I was going to get away with just bringing the dog but now the wife and kids want to come and play. If this is an issue then I understand. As for route I haven't a clue but think I have an os map some where
i dont mind 22nd if its easier for more people. I quite often bring my wife for the trip, although i banned her now because the silly mare gets a hour in runs out of nails to file and friends to text and then decides she needs to get back to do dinner lol she used to be more understanding

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