Route to meeting point sorted, leaving time sorted with breakfast on the way. Looking forward to it, see you in the morning! :)
You join what you expect would be good forum site where you can ask for help and guidance and all you get are T**TS that take the p**s. Lets hope you find the first IED knobbers!!!
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You join what you expect would be good forum site where you can ask for help and guidance and all you get are T**TS that take the p**s. Let hope you find the first IED knobbers!!!

You didn't ask for help but I sure as hell think you need it. You asked if I knew something that you didn't and I replied to your question, so what actually is your problem, has it been diagnosed yet?
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Anybody on the 419 swindon 9 oclock this morning? 3/4 fenders 1disco heading to sailsbury i guess i passed going the other way. Looking good nice day for it..
Had a great day out today. Thanks for leading us WLM.

Weather was absolutely brilliant.

We also had some fun playing in the mud and not just in land rovers !! Lol

Hope to see you all next weekend.
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Hello all. I am new to the site and have called the Salisbury Plain this morning to see if its open this weekend and Saturday is not but Sunday is. Do you know something I don't? Thanks Steve

I think you must have called the wrong number son ! As it was open today and it was bloody good ;)
You join what you expect would be good forum site where you can ask for help and guidance and all you get are T**TS that take the p**s. Lets hope you find the first IED knobbers!!!

This hits a bit of a nerve for me as I have been hit by IEDs and have lost a couple of good mates to them, while they continue to take lives through out the world.

I fully understand that you have thrown your teddy in the corner because you weren't invited to come out and play with us and took a little ribbing from some folk who were organising a forum event, but there is absolutly no need to hope for injury or worse and throw comments around about a subject that A, you PROBABLY know nothing about and B, has a massive effect to families around the country. I also realise that it's VERY EASY to be a keyboard hard man and refuse to join in. I hope it was just a throw away remark but as your mother probably told you...THINK BEFORE you speak (and comment)

Thanks for an awesome day out all. Thanks to WLM for leading and organising the recovery lesson!!!

I've got some good pics but am working tonight and they need resizing. I'll sort them out in the next day or so and post some on here as well as email them all who came along and PM their email address.
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