i really want to come but my boss is being a total cock and not letting me use the workshop after work to sort my truck out so ive only got sat to sort it!!! fingers crossed!

nearly went through the windscreen, and broke me video cam on the dash mount (not with me head i hassen to add it got flung forward on the mount)
gonna be a cold one sunday so bring ya bobble hat:D
confirmed numbers so far are below.
wiltshire landyman
transfer 1
ned 25
piggy in the mud
kooky guy
roj barker

same meeting place as b4 bustard inn sp3 4du( not the actual pub like jp did:doh:)
meeting on the hard standing are just a couple of yards of the a344 between shrewton and larkhill

looking forward to another gd day out..

You can count me in! Wassailing's been called off 'cos of the weather so I shouldn't have too sore a head! What time you meeting?
looking promising for me too got the old 90 fixed tonight :D
going to give it a test run tomorrow afternoon for a couple of hours laning in the snow whaaawhooooooo!!!
gonna be a cold one sunday so bring ya bobble hat:D
confirmed numbers so far are below.
wiltshire landyman
transfer 1
ned 25
piggy in the mud
kooky guy
roj barker
dom ellis

same meeting place as b4 bustard inn sp3 4du( not the actual pub like jp did:doh:)
meeting on the hard standing are just a couple of yards of the a344 between shrewton and larkhill

looking forward to another gd day out..

10am meeting time...rich
Ill be there if I get my disco to work on saturday...still waiting for an accelarator cable to be delivered, but as I havent been home since monday, i dont know if its there...
We're looking good for Sunday! Got a bit of a car full but I'm sure it'll be an eye opener for them ;-) And hopefully by the time I've driven an hour to get there the disco might be defrosted.

Out of curiosity does anyone have a 300 series drivers door mirror, snapped mine off on Sunday, cheers
I've got a few mates coming too - a load of my mates were complaining about not being able to come due to lack of seats. Tough tit, go and buy yourself a landy and then you can come out whenever you like!
wiltshire landyman
transfer 1
ned 25
piggy in the mud
kooky guy
roj barker
dom ellis

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