what do you want to do on the day ?

  • Total voters
here ya go.. im confirmed!

Group Leaders

Series71 confirmed
Baggyjim Confirmed
Boomerv8 Confirmed
Redhand and Minty confirmed
Blue Beasty confirmed

Zan79 ( available in emergency )

1)Big ginger beard confirmed
3)snifflebag Confirmed
4)Daft Confirmed
6)110woman confirmed
8)medusa and balast confirmed
9)Drewster - confirmed
10)Ratty & Ballast
11)The v8man
13)JP - confirmed
14)mmajor2 - confirmed
15)Fatboy11 - confirmed
16)DJ Xan - confirmed
17)Vagrent and poopy dog
20)zan79 bf
21) CJ (TheV8man mate)
22) Deasy83 confirmed
23) Tazz070299 + ballast confirmed
24) Dartmore Discovery
25) trewey confirmed
26 jamesmartin
27) Pete23
28) Stuballsed
29) Kooky Guy - confirmed
30) defender1990
31) martin1512 - confirmed
32) sprogthedog- confirmed
33) burrito - confirmed
34) jamest2k
35) sible88
36) Vinniejb - Confirmed
37) thought it was mine! confirmed
38) Big5108
39) PhillCouch
40) Hamsterberg- Confirmed
41) Redwall
42) 90Quattro
43) Stupot4x4 confirmed
44) defenderdog1 confirmed

maybe list

1)Sypher ( depends on the date - work comitments )
2)Matt999 (Depends on date - Shift Work)
3) dogsbody (depends on date - on call at work)
ello minimilf ows you ? :D

Aye up, me lover, I'm great ta. :)

Hows your dodgy body and it's sugar regulation going ?

i'm still on medication and using a walking stick and now i'm at home all day I can eat decent food regularly so not had any problems :D

If you're not sorted by the 31st, we can strap you onto a backboard on top of the roof rack on the beast and I can throw you up a slice of cake every hour to stop you having a wobble :D

:puke: get a room.
Sign me up (for your group, not for a leader) :)

Ok bud, no problem, 4 spaces left.....

Well I was, but it looks like BoomerV8 has taken over thejob.

Erm, nope! :mad:
I'm taking over nothing, my days of being at the forefront of planning a big day out are over, just helping out by taking a group on this trip ;):)

How will the groups be decided?
Are the leaders going to canvas for groupies/followers?

Like f**k am I! :p:D
The group Drewster and I are taking is going to be less demanding in order to help some of you (with the shinier paint perhaps) decide where you wish to be, that way anyone looking for the rather more extreme stuff won't be disappointed by not breaking anything :rolleyes::D - if the other leaders do similar then everyone will have a rough idea what to expect and who to go with on the day if numbers within that group allow it :)
i aint up for too much rough stuff - no snorkle and using Daftletts daytime runabout - so Pikeys?? or Boomers group should be fine for me.
I darent risk breaking it. :(.

For us - its just a good day out with fine upstanding members of the community ;).
Last edited:
[JP];1851286 said:
here ya go.. im confirmed!

Group Leaders

Series71 confirmed
Baggyjim Confirmed
Boomerv8 Confirmed
Redhand and Minty confirmed
Blue Beasty confirmed

Zan79 ( available in emergency )

1)Big ginger beard confirmed
3)snifflebag Confirmed
4)Daft Confirmed
6)110woman confirmed
8)medusa and balast confirmed
9)Drewster - confirmed
10)Ratty & Ballast
11)The v8man
13)JP - confirmed
14)mmajor2 - confirmed
15)Fatboy11 - confirmed
16)DJ Xan - confirmed
17)Vagrent and poopy dog - kinfarmed.
20)zan79 bf
21) CJ (TheV8man mate)
22) Deasy83 confirmed
23) Tazz070299 + ballast confirmed
24) Dartmore Discovery
25) trewey confirmed
26 jamesmartin
27) Pete23
28) Stuballsed
29) Kooky Guy - confirmed
30) defender1990
31) martin1512 - confirmed
32) sprogthedog- confirmed
33) burrito - confirmed
34) jamest2k
35) sible88
36) Vinniejb - Confirmed
37) thought it was mine! confirmed
38) Big5108
39) PhillCouch
40) Hamsterberg- Confirmed
41) Redwall
42) 90Quattro
43) Stupot4x4 confirmed
44) defenderdog1 confirmed

maybe list

1)Sypher ( depends on the date - work comitments )
2)Matt999 (Depends on date - Shift Work)
3) dogsbody (depends on date - on call at work)

I'm gonna be in the 110 Puma, which I rely on as a daily driver to earn me a living. It's also the family car, so I'd prefer not to damage it.
i aint up for too much rough stuff - no snorkle and using Daftletts daytime runabout - so Pikeys?? or Boomers should be fine for me.
I darent risk breaking it. :(.

I int planning on breaking anything.....tis a long walk home after all :eek:

Don't mind a bit of mud and water and happy enough to take a 'scratchy' group if thats where folk wanna go
Oh well, rightly or wrongly let's get the ball rolling......

First come, first served - copy and paste your name in a Spare space on this list if you want in, max group size of seven vehicles....

  • Spare
  • Spare
  • Spare
  • Spare
with 8 leaders and 43 hangers on? :D keeping the groups to a reasonable size is gonna be simple eough. Keeping em far enuff apart mite be fun though???? :doh:
Oh well, rightly or wrongly let's get the ball rolling......

First come, first served - copy and paste your name in a Spare space on this list if you want in, max group size of seven vehicles....


  • Spare
  • Spare
  • Spare
unless Pikey has a reason for me being in his group - i will join ya, Boomer - its been a long time :eek:.

Well it handy having yu in the group cos yu couldn't catch me when I stole ur share of the Cake. :D But apart from that?? Nope Boomer is welcome to ya.. :p :p
Well it handy having yu in the group cos yu couldn't catch me when I stole ur share of the Cake. :D But apart from that?? Nope Boomer is welcome to ya.. :p :p

I can always change on the day, if its deemed betterer.:p

MHM & crew
Glad to have Daft and Trewey on board, be nice to catch up with you guys :)

One space left on

MHM & crew

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