what do you want to do on the day ?

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Just a thought - but are there any peeps on here who have already put their name down who couldn't do either the weekend before or after the 24th ?
Just a thought - but are there any peeps on here who have already put their name down who couldn't do either the weekend before or after the 24th ?

Or have peeps planned ahead and already booked the weekend of the 24th off especially for this trip??
as i said earlier in the fred i cant give a firm yes or no , but cant see that a week earlier or later would make a differance to me . (would prefer mid feb personaly as i said before)
Guys......... thanks for your concerns that im missin out but its ok its S71s trip and he has planned this trip for the 24th.. im guessin cos it suits him best. There will be other trips and im sure you will all cope without me bein there. :D
[JP];1712977 said:
yep.. i heard the world will end at the end of December... lol

:doh: thats next year dec 2012

21st or 23rd December 2012 - depends which prophecy you believe.
If it's gonna happen I intend to be parked somewhere high up to have a grandstand view of things with a nice bottle of Laphroig and a fine cigar ;):cool:
Crikey guys n gals it's early days yet, things'll pan out - a lot can change in four months ;):)

very true... but my shifts wont change :( soooooooo.......i has been thinkin and thought fook it....

Guys if you is all listenin.. and S71 I know its your trip.. and I dont wanna cause a rukas and I knows you have chosen the 24th.....but can you and the guys please reconsider the weekend before or after... as I cant bear the thought of you guys goin lanin without me. :Cry: :(:eek:
Saturday 24th March 2012


Redhand and Minty ( TBC )
Blue Beasty
buckshot ( no numpties or gaylanders and a more challenging session ) PM gramps

Zan79 ( available in emergency )

1)Big gingerbeard
3)snifflebag [Mud, V8able, scratchy, scenic, involves cake]
9)medusa and balast
10)Drewster ( minus CB )
11)Ratty & Ballast
12)The v8man
16)Fatboy11 - mud & water.
21)zan79 bf
22) CJ (TheV8man mate)
24) Tazz070299 (name-tag monitor)
25) Dartmore Discovery
26) jamesmartin
27) Pete23
28) Stuballsed
29) Kooky Guy

maybe list

1)Sypher ( depends on the date - work comitments )
2)Matt999 (Depends on date - Shift Work)

anyone have any objections to the date being changed to saturday 31st March 2012 to stop minty having a hissy ?

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March is OK for me - outside the shooting season.
I'll come.
Is there gonna be cake?

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