
New Member
Hello there,

My P38 seems to be sitting a couple of inches lower at the back offside corner than the other 3 corners. Any ideas why this might be? I left the car at "Access" height last time I got out of it and the car's not moved for the last few days so the EAS took quite a while to get going this morning, but finally got the car up to standard height. There's no fault codes or anything, it just seems that one corner's lower than the rest. Could this be a ride height sensor, or an air leak?

I'm very new to the joys of RR ownership, looks like it's probably not going to be boring but then I've had enough of boring cars for the time being.


Air leak i reckon, probably the air sock worn. It'll get to the stage where it takes ages for it to get up to height. Check how offen the compressor starts up it shouldn't be running all the time, they get to a point where they run all the time or keep switching on and off and it does the compressor in and guess what the compressor and the compressor motor all come as one bit and you don't want to have to replace that. Air socks you can get from Britpart i think.

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