
Active Member
Thinking of fitting a snorkel to the 300 tdi but not sure which one to go for they are both around the same sort of money £80 for safari(ish) and £130 for the southdown.
so was wondering is there any pro's cons to either and which one performed the best.
I have a safari one that has taken a beating and still looks fine BUT if I was looking for one now id go with south down and do one on each side and run extended axle and gearbox breathers into the dummy one
I personally prefer the southdown as is more discreet hidden in the wing, hence why i went for the southdown type.

Both do the same job, so down to your own preference really, and wallet as a true safari is probably twice as much as the sothdown, but safari copies will be a lot less....
The Safari copies (Safari are about 2 or 3 times what you say) are crap. Initially they look good, but they're not as flexible or durable and will break pretty quickly.

Mind, some people I know break 'proper' Safari's too ... ;)
I happened upon a genuine brand noo safari one for £39.99 - yep, just under 40 quid.

OK its for the V8 and not the 300tdi I have, but I can do a fair bit fettling with the 3-400 quid I saved.

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