
Hi folks having some issues with my front tls brakes non servo. I have changed the front shoes to mintex ones as the adjuster pins kept falling out of the old ones now with the adjusters backed right off the brakes bind particularly on the passenger side and the pedal sinks about halfway to the floor unless you pump it then it returns to normal for a few seconds. I've chamfered the shoes swapped the drums even bled them and still just the same I notice if I jack it up the next day the wheels spin fine til you press the brake and it starts playing silly buggers again. Any help much appreciated. Cheers, Dave.
Can you post a pic of inside drum , sometimes the set up of springs can be wrong
Have you replaced adjusters recently
How would I check that? I haven't touched the master cylinder the old shoes were less than 1k miles old as are the drums and all brake lines but had to replace the shoes as the adjuster pins had fallen out and wouldn't go back in think they were britpart fitted by the previous owner.
Nsf brake the worst one there's about 2 to 3mm free play on the pedal something iv noticed they spin OK til I put the drum screws in


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Osf brake not as bad but still better without drum screw


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Where is the shoe catching the drum? Is it on the side or on the braking face itself? Either way it sounds as if the shoe is too big for the drum. How do they compare to the old ones? You could try grinding some off the sides of the shoes to make them thinner if that is where your problem is or cutting a small amount off the end where it goes into the wheel cylinder.
Ive just filed down the outer edge of the shoes and it's a lot better still a tight spot but nothing like it was il do the other side tommorow and take it for a drive see if they bed in a bit. I've adjusted the passenger side up and the pedal is feeling better hopefully be back to normal after I do the other side. I think with them catching the drum on the lip on the inside they were binding and they wouldn't adjust properly giving a crap pedal. Im hoping that's what it is lol!
Cheers I'l measure the pedal height free play seems OK. I think the problem is the damn shoes are too wide! Or the bearmach drums too narrow. These aftermarket brake parts are absolute carp even the branded stuff!
Are the shoe steady posts set up correctly ie not pushing the shoe out of line but just touching back of shoe , should be a bush on them but probably missing.
Middle rear of each shoe!
Not that one , there should be a stand-alone adjustable steady post off the backplate that’s keeps each shoe square to drum
Oh yes I know the ones where the spring attaches to i haven't messed with those how do you set them up? Cheers Dave.
The item I mentioned is on the back plate not the shoe has a locknut on the rear of the back plate slacken locknut and adjust [thats what it will say in manual] wire brush release oil and heat possibly required.Can you pull shoe outward a little and try a feeler gauge between shoe and stud end.

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