
Active Member
am I right in thinking that I read on the forum, somewhere, that you can fit s3 one piece door seals to a s2a. Or have I just wasted my money...

I’ve searched google and the forum,but no joy finding the post. Have I dreamt it all up haha
I fitted one piece defender seals to my series 2a but you have to grind off the small lip on the bodywork, the seal then fits on with a tap from a mallet.
I fitted one piece defender seals to my series 2a but you have to grind off the small lip on the bodywork, the seal then fits on with a tap from a mallet.
So I found the post after I wrote this one, obviously!
It was on a different forum (one I’m not a member of).

It seems they used defender ones too the same as you @minecab , but they didn’t grind off the lip. Sod’s law I’ve brought the s3 ones...doh!

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