
Well-Known Member
so continuing the probably long task of sorting out my s3 electrics from the not having an effin clue standpoint :D

heater fan hasn't worked since I got it. tested the blower unit by putting the leads on the battery terminals nothing happened so I assumed motor was dead. whilst looking for a replacement I saw just the resistor unit for £7.50. which gave me the idea to test the motor without the resistor.

I cut the leads off the resistor and connected the motor directly to the battery and it whirred into action, does this mean I just need a new resistor or can I just do without one.

don't think the s1 has a resistor and looking at the heaters it seems to be the same motor
I thought the resister was just for the slow speed aspect of the two speed fan.

I don't think I've ever needed to use the lower speed so I assume you could wire as a single speed fan.
ah that's what it's for :D thx for your reply

I think you are probably right, the s1 only has a single speed fan and as I say it appears to be the same motor albeit with a different housing and type of blade.

guess I shall just ditch the resistor then, I doubt I would ever use the slow speed. I guess if I did find I wanted to I could always get the resistor later and stick it back in. getting heat into the cab is the big priority as winter approaches :D
The slow fan speed never worked on mine either. Until I saw this post, I could never work out why that was. Maybe I'll do the same when it comes to reassembling the heater and leave the resistor off.
On some the resister was located inside the snail casing, whilst on others (like mine) its on the outside. It has a tendency to get quite hot so care needed when testing etc!
I have an idea that it's meant to be inside the snail casing as the airflow will keep it cool. My guess would be that the external resistors have been retro-fitted at some time as it makes the job easier. (could be wrong though)


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