:)Well i like it, building a 109 coiler, just for a giggle, started out as a drunken idea at peterbourgh lro show and sort of mushroomed from there. Doing things a bit different to you tho, using the 109 chassis and welding on the the bits i need, good on you,

Hope you realise that any modifications to the chassis will result in it loosing any free tax status it may currently have (i.e. welding on the coil bits)
Let us know the results of this SVA test, curious as to what sort of reg you end up with.
As stated no point trying to pass it off as a series when essentially everything but the body is a Disco...
Just want to know whether or not you get a Q plate, original Disco plate, or age-related (from disco's age) plate.

Edit: Just realised you shortened the chassis, 99% sure you'll get a Q plate :)
  • chassis or body shell (body and chassis as one unit - monocoque ie direct replacement from the manufacturer) (original or new) = 5 points
  • suspension = 2 points
  • axles = 2 points
  • transmission = 2 points
  • steering assembly = 2 points
  • engine = 1 point
"Where there is evidence that two vehicles have been welded together to form one (ie 'cut and shut') a 'Q' mark will be allocated, IVA, ESVA, SVA or MSVA will be required."

You need to be able to prove 8 points can be attributed to the original vehicle to keep the original reg, if you can't then it will be Q plated.

[ARCHIVED CONTENT] Registering a radically altered vehicle : Directgov - Motoring
Think I'd do something about those rusty discs and axles.

Make sure you keep your no. plate hidden, otherwise people will be reporting it to DVLA as a ringer.

A nice project though.

How will they no if i dont tell them ?::confused: if i tell my insurance, give them an engineers report and get it mot,d who will no any different, tax it and away i could go, not that i would, obviously :p
We wud. And there's enuf peeps on here that wud consider taking that off the road a good alternative to yu doing a "Gresham" and killing someone. Cos your insurance would be null & void.
why would it be null and void, if i submitt a engineers report, tell my insurance what exactly has been done whats the problem. As for doing a "gresham " i dont really no much about that, i do no that the mods, welding, fabricating and assembly of my landy are being done by my local landrover genius, he has built,made,constructed and repaired more land rover,s than most of us have had hot dinners and i have complete trust and the upmost respect for everything he does. The mods we are doing are no different to what the average landy bloke does in his back yard most weekends, welding on new spring platforms and trailing arm mounts is not much different to wellding on leaf spring hangers and dumb irons, in can garantee our welding is better than most of the crow **** welding i see on a regular basis, if i thiught for one second i would be putting live.s at risk i wouldnt even think about it.
why would it be null and void, if i submitt a engineers report, tell my insurance what exactly has been done whats the problem. As for doing a "gresham " i dont really no much about that, i do no that the mods, welding, fabricating and assembly of my landy are being done by my local landrover genius, he has built,made,constructed and repaired more land rover,s than most of us have had hot dinners and i have complete trust and the upmost respect for everything he does. The mods we are doing are no different to what the average landy bloke does in his back yard most weekends, welding on new spring platforms and trailing arm mounts is not much different to wellding on leaf spring hangers and dumb irons, in can garantee our welding is better than most of the crow **** welding i see on a regular basis, if i thiught for one second i would be putting live.s at risk i wouldnt even think about it.

Unlikely I admit, but if vosa haven't signed it off, you still run the risk of it getting impounded and declared 'unsafe' until proven otherwise by them (and at your cost), meanwhile if your insurance co. got wind of such events i'm sure your policy would get cancelled on the spot which doesn't do you much good. I'm sure most of us could probably do without that sort of hassle...
I I have no issue with what your doing by the way. If done correctly it should be fab the parts are coming from legit motors as pictured. I guess I would want an engineers report to prove its safe but then enjoy have fun. Some people get right upset. your obviously not building a ringer parts are not stolen and you own the original motor so to my mine them ppl can get ******. Retaining the original reg a bit cheeky but hey ho good luck fella. Looks better from the pics than some of the abortions you see driving around "legit"
No probs with the fabrication or engineering of it, but trying to pass it off as a series and keeping the original (tax exempt?) reg is illegal, I think.
coz every government is the same and we is already paying over the top coz peeps are avoiding paying wot they should.
are yu advocating putting an illegal vehicle on the road?:eek:
It's a bonus that helps people keep historic vehicles on the road. If people start building fake "historic vehicles" to evade tax they'll take it away from those who are genuinely entitled to it......
This is a good old discussion :)

One thing I would like to say is that I used to be in the same off road club as Gresh and I feel the whole situation surrounding the reporting of his crash and the state of his truck by the media was more than biased - the vehicle was well prepared and nothing more extreme or unsafe than 75% of mod'd Land Rovers on the road. Being local to the area I have driven the road where the accident happened many many times to visit friends and it amazes me more cars don't end up in the river - Gresh was extremely unfortunate and he will be paying for the result of a misjudgement in his driving for the rest of his life. :focus:

Unfortunately I find myself with a foot in both camps on the tax free / donor vehicle subject. I too love the idea of taking (nominally) a tax extempt vehicle and "improving" it - however this can and does result in a vehicle suffering from an "indentity" crisis.

The points system is the bible according to the local DVLA office and cannot be bypassed - if you cannot achieve 8 points then you must submit to an inspection - it is then up to you to "negotiate" to try and acheive 8 points and good luck to you if you manage it as it is possible. However, I have always been under the impression that if you retain chassis, axles, engine and gearbox - basically just change the body - then the vehicle retains the donor chassis identity and it is almost up to you if you present it for inspection due mainly to do with the change of body type. The Dakar kit car builders will know all about this. DVLA are a bit funny like that now - I tried to change the body type on a kit car the other year and it turned into a near nightmare. But that's another story.
I remember reading that gresham had different sized brake calipers from different vehicles on one or both axles.

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