made good progress on the bulkhead this week. foot wells in, A pillars repaired and new mounts fitted into them, just a small amount of scab removal left then ill have a very nice bulkhead... hopefully :D

this weekend at home im going the weld up the new chassis, got a nice jig i borrowed from a friend, some spare steel and more tea bags, so you can guess what ill be doing tomorow,

i will try to get photos soon of how im doing, because im quite pleased and i do hope you'll all agree
well, not alot to report lately, not got on well, but the welder should be back out this evening and doing some bits to the chassis
Looking good so far mate :)

Have you checked out the legalities of getting it registered? I can't seem to find a straight answer anywhere online, some people says it's got enough points to keep the Disco identity, others say because you've modified the chassis (whether it be changing the wheelbase or changing outriggers) then you need a Q-plate and an SVA test....

SVA test doesn't bother me but Q plate done much research into it mate?
Heavily modified chassis

It will be a q plate almost always.

From what I've read, changing wheelbase almost certainly = Q plate

Keeping the wheelbase at 100" and shortening a 109/110 body to fit....not much info...

The wording on the DirectGov website has changed and omitted the "a Q plate will be issued" part, supposedly because they are running out of Q plates to issue....

Suppose I'll have to go back to head scratching! :)
im still head scratching too, but at the end of the day ive got log books for both motors, all vin numbers engine numbers and i intend to do a good job building it, so its going on the road whichever way i need to do it... Q plate or not... and if so then ill buy a 1978 plate to take it back to how it should be :D

ive reached a sticking point in the build at the moment, i need an lt77 gearbox and a rear x-member i know there not expensie but im poor just lately, the bulkhead is done, the outriggers are made and ready to be welded on, then im going to get on trial fitting all the bodywork before i take it off again and get it in paint :)

dosn't sound alot written down lol wish me luck
Nice progress! Take lots of pictures ;) Mine is well and truly on hold until I've finished up all my other "projects" lol, be about a year or so :(

I've been planning on having an afternoon on the phone with VOSA/DVLA to try and clarify the legalities of these type of builds, I'll let you know the result if I ever find anything out...
awsome that would be great, im going to have a borowed camera party this evenig so i should be able to post some pics, i know there isnt much to see but hopefull you'll all understand whats gone into what ive got :D

back soon ...
Q plate or not... and if so then ill buy a 1978 plate to take it back to how it should be

No you won't. Once on a Q plate, the only way you can come off it is if you can prove the age of the vehicle. e.g. an imported vehicle and then able to prove that the year is 'X'. But in your case, you will be going to a Q because of the chassis mods, not doubt over the year of the vehicle.

If you could just come off a Q as you suggest, noone would stay on one. I believe it is a non transferable number.

No you won't. Once on a Q plate, the only way you can come off it is if you can prove the age of the vehicle. e.g. an imported vehicle and then able to prove that the year is 'X'. But in your case, you will be going to a Q because of the chassis mods, not doubt over the year of the vehicle.

If you could just come off a Q as you suggest, noone would stay on one. I believe it is a non transferable number.


ho hum so thats is then, i still cant wait so have it on the road tho :D

i got my finger out today and got the bulkhead mounted on some new outriggers we bent up at work and it looks like a truck again... kind of lol
I know a Q plate disco that I'm sure I'll be getting for its front axle. You would need to check legalities but I was tempted to use this as a base for a hybrid myself as it MAY mean they go lighter on the build. I have too many projects on at the mo. So I was keeping hold of it until I get time.

Somone more knowledgeable than me on this may know if its worth a shout i suspect not but hey. At least I would know its all legit parts and indeed been Q plated before hand so hopefully less agro.
Ive got some new pics now of the bulkead and the wings mounted onto the the chassis :D ill get them on later as soon as the wife gets back with the lead for the camers :D

here are a few of the bulkhead and the wings built up and rested on the chassis no outriggers yet



and one of the new out riggers i made at in the week


and now they're welded in place all squaired up lighned up and pucka :D oh yeah...





quite pleased with this weekends efforts... back soon with some more updates :D

P.S. I know that its not going to be a srate forward SVA job but i dont care what reg it comes back on :p Im sick of hearing it with all due respect :) i just want to do a good job... thats why im here :D
right then... got this week off work so im going to try to blitz some of it.
the plan is to build up all the bodywork now ive got the bulkhead mounted all the way up to the roof so i can double and triple check the pannel gaps and door shut gaps are perfect... so i know everything fits before i get on with properly mounting the rear tub with some new outriggers... this way i cant get anything out of square.

then ill bolt the new rear x-member onto the tub and weld the new box into the gap... again so that it has no chance to be out of square.

then its all coming to bits again so it can be shot blasted and rubed down then painted...

thats this weeks plan so we'll see how far i get lol and ill get some pics up of my progress :)
Getting there slowly but surely. And as yu say REG makes no difference to the finish or ability of the vehicle.. It's just a number they can use to keep track of you and extract as much money from you as possible..
legally i think you'll find you'll be required to undergo a VIC (vehicle identity check) and from there you'll be onto the IVA

neither v5 that you have will match the motor you're building, bodywork carries zero points towards retaining the identity, a modified chassis (shortened) is classed as a new and not to original specifications (12" out of the middle plus the overhang cut off at the minimum)

the identity you would have been able to use would have been the disco one if you hadn't cut the chassis down, all that would have been required would have been the VIC

any other way you decide to register it without going through official channels puts you at risk of the insurance company washing it's hands of you should you have an accident

anyway enjoy your build you look to be doing some good work there
You seem pretty knowledgable about the legal side of it- sorry to hijack but does changing the outriggers and rear crossmember also count a chassis modification the same as shortening a chassis? Can't seem to get an answe to that anywhere!

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