
New Member
Hi all,
only my second post so please be gentle :)

I am rebuilding my 109 Ex military S3 FFR. Have all the running gear on (new chassis, springs shocks) but noticed that the front shocks didn't fit until engine was in. Obvious really given the spring need compressing with wait of engine but it got me thinking. If the weight is taken off the axels (e.g. when jacking front bumper to change a tire) then the shock will limit out and take the weight of the entire axel. The rear has check straps to prevent this but the front doesn't. Is this correct or have I missed something? The new shocks are the same as the old ones

Thanks for any advice :confused:
That sounds about right - I fitted new springs to a bare chassis and couldn't fit the shocks until there was some extra weight onboard. Even then I had to tension the springs with a chain and jack to get the chassis to axle distances right.
Thanks for all your help. Sounds like its the way they're meant to be so will prob just leave as is for now as plus 2's will no doubt reduce the compression range a little


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