Re insurence and values - I have agreed value with Lancaster and they require a report which you write yourself - a description of the work done, answers to a set of questions about mileage and condition and a set of photos that support what you have said, and most importnalty YOUR valuation. They then pass these to an expert for assessment to agree with or not, your valuation. This is not an exact science but haveing been doing this for a few years on several vehciles I now know it pays to ask. The premiums go up in steps that are quite wide so if you find that everyting from 2000 to 5000 pays the same premium, clearly your value will be 4950, or if the increase is modest, go up a band to say £6950. I don't know where the bands are currently but on another vehicle the premium was flat from 2000 to 5000. The insurers don't mind, if you ramp up the value too much they will claw it back in premiums, bear in mind they are dealing with Ferraris worth £2m so the bands must be quite wide.

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