
Well-Known Member
Before i strip the S2 apart to refurb it I would like someone with good knowledge of them to go over it and give me their opinion on what mechanically is ok and what needs reconing/replacing, axles engine all the major components. The chassis is very good from what I can see, the panels straight, I have bought new doors and tops, bulkhead obviously needs work. I bought it a few months back and it was motd and running ok, it drives in a straight line without wandering, brakes work and i think the electrics all work.I am more than willing to pay for your time and opinion, as im sure it will make the rebuild simpler and fewer problems to bite me in the arse. Im in Wickford Essex but could drive it to you to view, not to far as it jumps out of gear and temp gauge creeps up. Any help would be great. Thanks.
Before i strip the S2 apart to refurb it I would like someone with good knowledge of them to go over it and give me their opinion on what mechanically is ok and what needs reconing/replacing, axles engine all the major components. The chassis is very good from what I can see, the panels straight, I have bought new doors and tops, bulkhead obviously needs work. I bought it a few months back and it was motd and running ok, it drives in a straight line without wandering, brakes work and i think the electrics all work.I am more than willing to pay for your time and opinion, as im sure it will make the rebuild simpler and fewer problems to bite me in the arse. Im in Wickford Essex but could drive it to you to view, not to far as it jumps out of gear and temp gauge creeps up. Any help would be great.

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Well just thinking pics could help show general condition of it? Might be easier then for people to suggest things to do (I know its not as good as having someone there )
Well just thinking pics could help show general condition of it? Might be easier then for people to suggest things to do (I know its not as good as having someone there )

General condition is good, as said body is straight, and anything not so good i have bought replacements new or refurbed my self, leccy seems ok as do most things but as I will be stripping it down might as well replace/refurb dodgy mechanics while it off.
Looks very nice, maybe worth asking on the Essex land rover club forum, you may have a better chance of finding someone more local.

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