
New Member
Hi I have a question about a S1 clutch release mechanism. I have aS1 fitted with a V8 and 2A Diesel clutch, it is the original S1 gbox and release mechanism. This weekend I have had all sorts of probs with the clutch release mechanism - it has been releasing less and less until suddenly the clutch pedel went straight to the floor - no release at all.

At the side of the road I took the pedal release mech apart, and refitted the splined actuator on the end of the pedel actuator shaft (the one pushed by the adjustable length rod) Presto clutch was working absolutely lovely, better than ever, really happy, until 1/2 hour later it suddenly went to the floor again.

I adjusted it again and gingerly made my way home early, (it is still working at the moment)

I have had a look at the manuals, but I'm a bit of a loss as to where anythng can be moving and ruining the adjustment... I can see a splined shaft inside the release housing(inside bell housing), has anyone had problems with this part before slipping around on the release bearing fork? The cross sections in the manual look like quite a fine pitch spline - does this wear??

I thought I would ask as it is a gearbox out job to have a look...
or any other suggestions?

Many thanks for any help
I found the problem was with the 'squashed tube' crude universal joint that goes into the bellhousing. one tof the pins had sheared and the tube was moving/distorting. Hopefully a couple of new pins will have it sorted... without taking the gearbox out!

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