The Mad Hat Man

Well-Known Member
LZIR Despatch Agent
Noo fred started so we can post piccies and vids an stuff.

But before I do (over the next couple of days) - A big THANK YOU from G and myself for a brill day out - more winching and mud than we have seen for a while. Special thanks go to BoomerV8 for sorting out those lanes and leading everyone and for DV and his good lady for putting up with us both all day.

I have txtd the T*O*S*S*E*R*S with the date of the main trip.

Grippa and Patman - you missed a brill day out and, as usual, Grippa yu will be as sick as a parrot when yu see wot you missed.
Yes thanks for the brilliant day, nice to meet some old faces and some newer ones.

Great lanes and for a change food available down souf, most amazing.
Ere you dint wave back when we waved you off

I wuz worried cos it wern't yer hands you wuz waving.:eek: :eek: :eek:

Hows yer clutch doing? It smelt like you'd knocked a couple of miles off it when you wuz trying to reverse back up that slope.
Clutch is fine, slike a racing one now, engine go bang soon, 34 mph up the hills on the way back.
Clutch is fine, slike a racing one now, engine go bang soon, 34 mph up the hills on the way back.

I told you not to eat so many chips.:D :D :D

I wouldn't say that it was smoking any more at the end of the day than it was at the beginning but it was doing it more often.
here are a few to be getting on with.....


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errrrmmm Daft? Wots pikey doing in West Bay wearing motorbike levvers???????Look in the bottom row middle piccy.:confused: :confused: :confused:
Morning boys n gurls, fanks for a good day out, esp Ratty, Boomer and Drewster for elpin to keep the motor running for the whole day.

Am uploadin a few pics (nevva took many) and will take a few more of the remains of my rear diff when I take it out :eek: :eek:

Glad the visitors enjoyed our lanes and food, be good to see you all agin for the "real thing"
Phuket buket seems bloody slow today but still heres a few more to entice peeps to this neck of the woods....

Boomer's R Send

Bloody Bank Oliday Traffic Jams

Scenery aint bad though

Ohhhhh we doo like to be beside the sea side................


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