i mite wear one if your lucky

like these ???



:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Mrs D71 said it's disgraceful showing pics of jessica simpson where is a semi naked pic of matthew mcconaughey !!!

I int chuffin postin it
Have not made myself clear.. as far as sorting out a well organised and safe planned days fun for new offroaders like myself i think this is brilliant, all that got my goat was that after the last shindig, (similarly well done) I was saying to robin offhand that I'd like to come down to salisbury in a few weeks for a bit of a play about and just chill and learn about my landrover. No Oh! Facial busyness or planning just a day out having fun and learning! That's what this started to be.. at least I thought!! I'm not saying that this is bad, i think there's been a hyawge lapse of proper comunication on my part, I just figured that his had started out nice and relaxed and unorganised but has now turned into an Oh! Facial day out.

Oh dear Nelly. :mad:

Look at the highlighted words, that's what it will be for guys/gals like you who are coming to this.

These trips are planned meticulously so people like you can have a good, fun day out and are reliant on teamwork. ;)

We are very concious of the fact that some people travel a huge distance to attend along with paying for accomodation.

We do not (or ever shall) charge people for these days out, they are informal and above all...FUN!! All people need to remember is that their vehicle is properly insured and we accept no liability for accidents or damage.

These weekends are not cheap, which I'm sure you will discover with time. :p

We actually enjoy laying on a day out for others would you believe, but when you read ungrateful, frankly immature comments from yourself I do start to wonder why we bother.

Remember that not so long ago you had no Land Rover and were tagging along with whoever was kind enough to give you a ride for the day or somewhere to stay for the night.

You might perhaps wish to remember that before alienating those people. :)

Try to come along for the day, you might be surprised........
Listen in boys and girls. The list of names who will be attending the Newbies S*L*U*T fest is as follows.......

S*L*U*T*S/Support staff

  1. Ratty
  2. DorsetvogueSE
  3. Robint
  4. BoomerV8
  5. Drewster
  6. Muddydisco4
  7. Disco71
  8. MHM
  9. Sirus
  1. Mrs B
  2. Pikey
  3. RSM72
  4. Rustyrangie
  5. MJLtigger
  6. catleydog
  7. + another
  8. Buckshot
  9. Discocuzzy
  10. LiamC
Nelly has dropped out so there is 1 space left. If you wish to go and your name is not on the list please put your name down on this thread or contact one of the S*L*U*T*S A.S.A.P. .
i would like to put my name down for the S*L*U*T*S NEWBIES trip to Salisbury plain if thats possible my mate told me about it dont really get much chance to offroad so thought it would be a good laugh. cheers.
How come nellys not coming, surely a bloke with all the off roading experience he's got is going to be missed.

Oh well we'll have to struggle on regardless
i would like to put my name down for the S*L*U*T*S NEWBIES trip to Salisbury plain if thats possible my mate told me about it dont really get much chance to offroad so thought it would be a good laugh. cheers.

welcome to landyzone mate. What type of vehicle have you got? who's yer mate? Just in case you are already on it.;)
Can I come along if anyone drops out, been chatting with the other half, his first response was "Are you going tow it there on a trailer?" :rolleyes: Tight git!

What type of Landy you own. - V8 90 Auto
Is it standard spec or modified. - Bog standard
Whether you have any off road experience. - None
How many peeps are likely to be in the car. - One passenger
Do you have a CB. - Nope

I shall be towing a fuel tanker, will this be a problem? :eek:
Can I come along if anyone drops out, been chatting with the other half, his first response was "Are you going tow it there on a trailer?" :rolleyes: Tight git!

What type of Landy you own. - V8 90 Auto
Is it standard spec or modified. - Bog standard
Whether you have any off road experience. - None
How many peeps are likely to be in the car. - One passenger
Do you have a CB. - Nope

I shall be towing a fuel tanker, will this be a problem? :eek:

You've made the reserve list. We'd rather you towed a burger van.;) :p
Oooooo, cheers. If I nick a burger van, can I make the attendees list.

Hope someone drops out :p

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