I wanna vote for Boomer getting stuck first (cos he's first in the line) and Ex fish bollox breaking summit first.:D

His back when he tries to lift his gearbox on his own :p :p :p
I wanna vote for Boomer getting stuck first (cos he's first in the line) and Ex fish bollox breaking summit first.:D

His back when he tries to lift his gearbox on his own :p :p :p
I want there to be loads of pics of people stuck more so if it boomer and lots of pics of broken landys:D :D

Wish i could come have a good time chaps:D
am sure 90boy ile be able ta give ya plenty of pics of my disco stuck, upsidedown, sideways n under water!!!!!!!!!!
boomer with his SLT's ! :D

yu forgot his ities;)
SLiTties:drum: :bolt:

twill be good watching Boomer behave like a newbie,

Not only alergic to water but scared of mud anorl now!!! :behindsofa:

Is we avin a sweepstake on how long it takes him to forget he aint on mud tyres anymore an gets stuck.:boink::boink::bolt:

Nah, not SLT's

His disco looks more like it's drivin on castors compared to his old one :boxing:

I wanna vote for Boomer getting stuck first (cos he's first in the line) :D

I want there to be loads of pics of people stuck more so if it boomer :D :D

Well you lot got some high expectations for me, haven't you? :wtf:

Its only fair youse lot takin the **** - I take the **** outta each and every one of you enuff, so I guess it'll have to be classed as payback :rolleyes:

At least it'll give a newb a bit of confidence seeing that at least one of us is on girlie tyres.:p

I have 20 on my list so far for pizza - you have 24 hours to let me know (if you haven't already) if you want me to book a place for you - otherwise you'll just have to take pot luck on the day.

Oh, and 90boy this is speshully for you................................

.............................................................'May yer bollocks fester and drop off and yer next turd be a hedgehog' :p :rolly:

Rotten bastid..................:D


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