I'll take it thru fur ya ;). Dont get me wrong - if it was my Disco - no probs - but not in my erm "special". It IS meant to be a noobies run - so shuld be OK.
i'll see how i feel on the day, not quite ready for big stuff yet but if some of the sluts talent rubs off maybe i'll feel a bit braver once we're there :)

dont worry no-one will fink any less of you for not doing them ........... most of the lanes are designed to just drive in a small amount of water and mud just to give ya some off road experience nuffing deep and nuffing boggy ......... most of the piccys on this fred were taken at the end of the day just so we could get wet and muddy .......... if you feel you want to try it let the group leader know and thay can advise you what to do
cool:cool: i'm looking forward to a top day out, as long as you bring your waders or dry socks daft your more than welcome to show me how much better than me me old rangie is ;)
Just to put peoples minds at rest. We have a habit of seeking out the deeper water to play in when we are out and about ourselves. On the day we will take you through the shallower water and depth test the deeper water if you wish to drive through it. It doesn't matter what group you are in, you will have a S*L*U*T*S depth tester in front leading.

I did parts of the route this sunday with robint and buckshot and it starts off nice and gentle and progresses to more challenging terrain as the day goes on.

forgot to ask :doh: any ideas on meeting time and where yet so i can organise a baby sitter and figure out what time we gotta gut up int mornin :yawn:
Just to put peoples minds at rest. We have a habit of seeking out the deeper water to play in when we are out and about ourselves. On the day we will take you through the shallower water and depth test the deeper water if you wish to drive through it. It doesn't matter what group you are in, you will have a S*L*U*T*S depth tester in front leading.

I did parts of the route this sunday with robint and buckshot and it starts off nice and gentle and progresses to more challenging terrain as the day goes on.


what !!!! did you go out on sunday on yer own then ......... i fought it was sunday you plonker :der:
ah wat cud be better, no work, misses yet to raise 'er ugly mug and landy looneys to 'ave a wee freaky chat ta!
fuel prices are too low.

I love ramblers.

The CSA are fantastic.

landy is alwas reliable.

woop woop jibber jabber :crazy: :der: :clap2: :bounce: :banana:

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