can i bung it meself, rather than take it to a garage that will charge ****e loads ta do a simple job, and is this all i nead ta go ****ing about in water, n still have a working landy at the end o it???

If yoos that worried about doing it yurself get pikey to do it, or bring yur plugs down and one of us can fit em for yu.

Like Trewy says, only a 2 min job.
Mrs B nip down to Plumb centre or summat like and get a rad plug As Boomer said and chuck it in the glove box. We'll fit it sat morning just before we set off.
right ya funny bunch o ****y heads....[pikey.....ratty.....nelly.....90boy..]
ile prove ta u am not a numpty just cos i dont have a todge like u lot, well some of u lot....and am gonna get me plug things n stick em where they nead ta be.......dont bend down infront o me......!!!!...hehe
right ya funny bunch o ****y heads....[pikey.....ratty.....nelly.....90boy..]
ile prove ta u am not a numpty just cos i dont have a todge like u lot, well some of u lot....and am gonna get me plug things n stick em where they nead ta be.......dont bend down infront o me......!!!!...hehe

Oi I was been sensible and nice, Ya don't want it fitting till just before ya go laning. and ya wanna remove it when ya finished. cos it acts as a drain ole if ya get any oil leaking out ya injun.
Oi I was been sensible and nice, Ya don't want it fitting till just before ya go laning. and ya wanna remove it when ya finished. cos it acts as a drain ole if ya get any oil leaking out ya injun.
sorry........didnt want ya ta feel left out.......:D :p
Right that's it ya grounded. Til friday.. and any more cheek from ya and I'll stop ya pocket money anorl. and get ya bloody room cleaned up, it's a right mess. bloody kids hey what they like.??? :mad:

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