DVVVV DVVVVV I've sortid out whats happenin wi' me! Ahm gettin a lift wi' pikey and mrs b, but I'll be being grippas ballast as usual. Assuming I don't get a landrover in the next 4 weeks.
ffs sounds like wales next sat could be deadly with drewster with me

tis alright mate im working near to mendips next week ill keep me eyes open for the mushroom cloud after detonation !!!!!!
well somebodys got to phone search and rescue !!!
tis alright mate im working near to mendips next week ill keep me eyes open for the mushroom cloud after detonation !!!!!!
well somebodys got to phone search and rescue !!!

don't ring anyone. If you see the cloud just ignore it. There's no way I wanna go anywhere near it paid or not.:mad: :mad: :mad:

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