FFS Si it's B&B at the halfway House that means Bed & breakfast. not bed & bolt. I'm up for a 2nd brekkie/morning tea/ elevenses. or wot ever else yer want ta call it. so long as it's not too early on in the day.
Evenin Boomer,
Spose I'll have to ave a breaky too.

Plannin to swap me axle oot next weekend - if we eva get some dry wevva
FFS Si it's B&B at the halfway House that means Bed & breakfast. not bed & bolt. I'm up for a 2nd brekkie/morning tea/ elevenses. or wot ever else yer want ta call it. so long as it's not too early on in the day.

Reckon on between 10 and 11am Red.
wot time is chippies, boomer - cos if we have a notell brekky and chippies in the afternoon - can the van be lunchish time- or wot were yu thinking of?

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