
Active Member
I'm going to start cleaning off the rust on my chassis on my D2.

Whilst I wait for my wife brusg adapters for my drill I was going to see how I could prep it.

I've read white vinegar works a treat however I was wondering what to mix it with to make it sticky as I'm going to spray it on and don't want it dripping off. Maybe a soapy type solution?

Anyone done anything similar?
Vinegar is an acid, are you sure you are going to want to spray it and then throw it around with a drill brush ?

Make sure you wear eye protection then...
That's why I wanted to turn it into a pastey like substance so it sticks to it
How much are you planning on doing? Just cosmetic, visible parts? If you mix it with something you run the chance of neutralising it to some extent. Vinegar is good for smaller parts that you can steep in a container.

I can tell you i have just PH tested the following,

Sarsons vinegar, Not surprisingly came out Red / orange , PH of 3/4
Ariel Soap powder , came out dark blue , PH 11
Tescos own brand dishwashing liquid. Neutral PH 7

Last year I soaked my disk brake shields in vinergar after reading how well it shifts rust, after two days they were just as rusty and the garage smelled like a badly kept public toilet.
Dumped the vinegar.
I've read white vinegar works a treat however I was wondering what to mix it with to make it sticky as I'm going to spray it on and don't want it dripping off. Maybe a soapy type solution?

why not just use Brown Sauce:rolleyes: - it worked a treat on pennies when was a kid :oops:
Last year I soaked my disk brake shields in vinergar after reading how well it shifts rust, after two days they were just as rusty and the garage smelled like a badly kept public toilet.
Dumped the vinegar.
It would take a lot of vinegar to do the brake shields. Did you scrub them silly with a wire brush first?
I chipped them with a chisel then brushed them then laid them in a plastic container and poured a one gallon catering container of vinegar over them and left them. After two days they were no better at all, I must admit I was disappointed after seeing all the miracles on YouTube.
Bought two new ones and painted them with POR paint, must fit them some time soon.
How much are you planning on doing? Just cosmetic, visible parts? If you mix it with something you run the chance of neutralising it to some extent. Vinegar is good for smaller parts that you can steep in a container.

Rusty parts in the chassis, maybe best to get hammerlute gel. I was going to remove the calypers and soak them in vinegar but not best reviews down below
I id some bolts that came out quite well
That's world's away from my efforts, did you just soak them?
Yeah, just in a cut away milk container.

Did the rear hinges too. This is before, the shiny one in the middle I'd spent ages on with a wire wheel in the drill.

Got sick so put them in vinegar and they ended up like this

In this picture they had been out of the vinegar for a few minutes and had started to rust up again immediately :eek: So I put them back in. Got the panel wipe and etch primer ready for the next time I took them out ;)

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