
New Member
I recently removed my swingaway wheel carrier and when I removed the plate which bolts to the rear door I found 7 years of accumulated dried up dirt and where the plate had rusted, stains on the doors paintwork.

Some of it came off with soaking, and I then used some car polish which removed another lot. However there was still a large crusty lump in the middle of the door so I tried the universal cleaner - WD40 which worked its way through another layer.

I'm now left with a stubborn rusty brown residue, looking life a relief map of the Outer Hebrides and with the resistance characteristics of Kryptonite. I want to avoid abrasives as the actual paintwork is in good condition once the clag is removed. Any ideas on what I should try next?

A non stick scouring pad with a little water and detergent is quite good at getting rid of crud without damaging the paintwork - just be gentle, keep looking at the white surface of the pad to make sure you're picking up the crud and not removing the paint. Otherwise, T-Cut is probably the gentlest abrasive but it will remove any paint bloom leaving a clean shiny patch - you might have to do the whole vehicle to match!
try some Phosphoric acid on it, dab on with a small brush or rag, and just wait 10 minutes or so for it to work and rinse off, a few applications may be necessary, but you wont need to rub it and scratch your paint.
brillo pad. might fuk up the paint a bit if your ignorant wit the application, do it like your rubbin a tit and it works a treat
Buy your misus some of those green pot scourer pad things, not the ones with the sponge. Let her use one for a week or so to knock the sharpness off it then try that. I do this to lift the rust smears off the paint on the old company van.
Thanks for the suggestions guys. I don't know where I can get my hands on Phosphoric acid, so I'll try the gentle scouring and T-Cut approach first. At the end of the day most of it will be covered up by the door plate when I re-fix the wheel carrier although you will still be able to see the stains where rainwater runs down behind the plate onto the bottom part of the door.:mad:


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