
Active Member
Hello i am in need of some advice here.I have a d1 200 tdi. At around the 30 mph area the whole car seems to judder.It is not gear or rev specific and i can drive through it.It only seems to occur when the engine is under load ie it does not occur when going downhill at said speed.As soon as i put the clutch down it dissapears and the car free wheels fine and smooth.
So far i have checked for binding brakes wheels bearings and generally anything loose suspension wise and all seems ok.The diffs so far as i can tell seem to be running cool.
I am at a loss now what to look for.
Has anyone any ideas as to what to check next.
Cheers in advance.
Oh and i havnt lost any weights off any of the wheels
OK will have a look at them once i search to find what i am looking for.I know there is a bit of slack in props but thought that is normal.Would an iffy uj only show under load ?
cheers for the advice
Thinking about things ive just replaced a leaking spill pipe on 2 of the injectors.Could the diesel that was leaking and dripping onto the front prop caused some damage to the uj's. Could it possibly of dissolved some of the grease ?
Thinking about things ive just replaced a leaking spill pipe on 2 of the injectors.Could the diesel that was leaking and dripping onto the front prop caused some damage to the uj's. Could it possibly of dissolved some of the grease ?

Wouldn't have thought so, not significantly anyway.

Rotational play in the drive line is normal but any play at all in the joints isn't. Check the sliding joints in the props as well.
OK will have a look at them once i search to find what i am looking for.I know there is a bit of slack in props but thought that is normal.Would an iffy uj only show under load ?
cheers for the advice
Yes, a failing just will initially only be noticeable under load but don't leave it as the consequences of failure can be lethal.
As Beasty suggests, check the uj's for slack by jacking a wheel off the ground so the props can be rotated by hand. Any slack in a uj is too much. But they're cheap and fairly easy to replace.
Well going to pick up some uj repair kits this aft to eliminate them from the equation and see where we go from there. Fingers crossed
Well this looks like itmay be the problem.Got a full new front prop for just shy of £60 so put it on.Been on a short run and the vibration seems to of gone.Thanks to all those who gave their input.
Well this looks like itmay be the problem.Got a full new front prop for just shy of £60 so put it on.Been on a short run and the vibration seems to of gone.Thanks to all those who gave their input.
View attachment 99680

For future ref.......U/Js do wear out and if they get dipped in dirty, gritty water wear out on a fairly regular basis :confused:

The yokes are usually fine unless a joint is actually thrown and U/Js are easy to replace with the aid of a pretty standard vice :)
Got a set of new uj,s as well so going to replace those on rear prop just to be safe after all they were only £10 each.
Pay attention to the grease nipple position when replacing the ujs only. I didn't and then realised that I couldn't get my grease gun on one of them when the prop was refitted doh!
Got a set of new uj,s as well so going to replace those on rear prop just to be safe after all they were only £10 each.
Reading this post has just reminded me, I have a new set of UN's in the boot, best replace them while I am trying to find out what is wrong with my gears.

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