There is no glycerin present in SVO.
It is a by-product in BIO-DIESEL of the transesterification process.

SVO just thickens up when cold, as do most oils.

Heat or the addition of kerosene will help.


Thanks for that charlesY I guess someone has got that wrong on one veg-oil sites.

Been looking into it myself for the disco.
OK so i'm tight - put 20ltrs of diesel in on Sunday with 15ltrs of veggie oil.

Ran fine for a day - this morning after a cold night - she wont start!

So I guess I have overdone the ratio - but - what damage may I have done & how do i rectify the prob and get her started??

Anybody got any clues??

Disco 300tdi


change yer fuel filter, veg oil is very good at finding, and then unsticking the crap in the system

then bleed it
nope, it'll run fine on either fuel mixed or neat - i'll be a bit lumpy fer a couple on minutes if yer on neat veg oil and yer engine is cold

i expect no fuel is getting to yer pump, prolly caused by a blocked filter
OK cheers - will give that a bash.

Just seems odd that as soon as I upped the ratio of veg/diesel it conked on me! Spose I should be going the other way really as the weather is getting a bit chilly..

Lets see wot happens.

Thanks again.
what do u call chilly? - it was freezin ere the other night and mine started instantly with no plugs and a very high veg oil content
at worste on neat veggie last winter, instead of turning up one say one revolution it took maybe three revolutions before starting, hope this can reassure yer;)
5% kero makes a big difference, but on a 50-50 mix of SVO Veg with derv you should not have a problem.

VEG tends to clean out your system from the tank onwards, so all the crap it cleans reaches then clogs the filter.

New filter, bleed it, and if that doesn't do the trick think about glowplugs.

Ok people thanks for all that.

Little update - when I got home that evening after she wouldnt start - after a little cranking she coughed somewhat reluctantly into life! The temp then was around 6 degs C. I put another £20 derv in and she seems fine and has started on even colder mornings since - eg 0 degs and below.

Have got a flatspot around 2k revs though but havent changed filter yet so will do that tomorrow & see what happens.

Ta gain

you dont want to be starting a tdi on veg. on start up some fuel will bypass the rings and find its way into the sump. diesel will just evaporate off, but veg oil will start filling your sump up. veg oil doesnt mix with mineral sump oil and can turn very gloopy causing all sorts of problems, like oil starvation. you can get plant based sump oil to overcome this or better still fit a twin tank kit. if you do use a mix of veg oil then keep an eye on your oil level, its supprising how quickly it rises!!!
aint found any probs like that with mine after over 12 months of using it, oil has stayed clean, correct level, and when i have changed it its been the right consistancy it should and thats on an engine with 185k of wear on the rings???
aint found any probs like that with mine after over 12 months of using it, oil has stayed clean, correct level, and when i have changed it its been the right consistancy it should and thats on an engine with 185k of wear on the rings???

Yeah but you ain't a spamming **** trying to promote your veg oil conversion kit business are ya.
Only a minute amount of oil MIGHT pass the rings and go in the sump, where it will do no harm. Moreover, diesel fuel that gets into the engine oil WILL NOT evaporate - it will dilute the engine oil and if that is not checked lube failure will eventually result. Big Bus companies and the like often check sump oils for diesel contamination every week or two weeks, and if they find it is at a certain level the bus / truck may be pulled off the road and get a set of rings at least.

Don't worry about Veg being a poor lube - it is BETTER than most mineral oils!

However, VEG is low on cetane rating, hence it's dour to fire up cold. A hint of kero does wonders, or a 2-tank system to light her up on derv.

If i were a spamming **** trying to promote my veg oil business, i would give you a link to my website or something like that.As it happens i am a devoted landrover enthusiast with years of experience behind me. I have also spent a lot of time learning a lot about running cars on veg oil. I carry out conversions under a government funded grant scheme so wouldnt really want to convert your car anyway, cos your not welsh. I just dont like to hear of people trying to save a bit of money and/or be a bit greener, and wrecking their engine in the process. Running on svo can be really easy and much better for your engine and your wallet, but is best if a few simple rules are followed.I was hoping that by dispelling some of the myths on the subject i could save some people a lot of bother, but obviously some people are too pig headed to listen.

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