
Active Member
Hi my 2002 manual temp reaches 3/4 way up the gauge when I am on a motorway is this ok or is it possible the fan is not working I will be towing a caravan in the summer and am worried that it will go up to the red when towing is this normal or should I check the fan
It should never go above mid way. The gauge is not an analogue one and stays at the mid point over quite a large temperature range.

If you have access to nanocom or similar you can run in instrument mode which shows the true temperature - this should stay around 90 degrees C.

Yes check the fan but there are also many other potential problems eg blocked radiator, thermostat stuck, wtaer pump ineffective etc etc.
Thanks for the reply once the weather warms up a bit I think I will try changing the thermostat first and see how it goes
check you have the correct amount of coolant and its all bled properly, and its at the correct dilution
When engine is hot try having a feel of the radiator for any cold parts my guess would be thermostat failing and/or radiator blocking up.

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