
Morning all,

I’ve just bought a Series 1 107SW with a Rover V8 engine mated to the series 1 gearbox. It has an overdrive and free wheeling hubs but I don’t think this set up is recommended as it’s running two to three times more powerfully than the original spec. This will be my daily car so reliability is key.

I don’t know whether to get a short R380, an adaptor kit from Ashcroft so that it can be mated to the original transfer meaning I can keep the lever set up as is, and keep the V8; more than adequate at keeping up with modern traffic.


To replace the V8 with a 2.25 to make it more similar to the intended set up (the original 2ltr is too asthmatic) and obviously retain the current gearbox.


Save the pennies and run it as is. I have heard that if you drive carefully the Series box can hold up? I have a IIA with its original crash box connected to a 200TDI and I haven’t had any issues in 2 years - although this isn’t as powerful as the V8 and I think the 2a box is supposed to be pretty hardy.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

A V8, is less damaging than a TDI, petrols have less shock per detonation. The torque is the same, though. Gentle use of throttle and it should last.

Though a supercharged original 2 litre would be interesting!
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!!

I assume as a daily you still won't be doing many miles. Not many people use a near 70 year old vehicle as daily transport. Regardless of which engine it has.

V8 is much nicer then the 2.25 and likely to use less fuel too.

Lots of V8 S1's about.
Leave it as is.
Otherwise you will need loads of work to put either the 2ltr or 2.5 back into it.

if this is your daily how far you travelling ?
(Nice 107)
Thanks for the recommendations, I’ll leave as is and see how I get on. In the last 3 years I’ve covered 20,000 miles in my IIA and this’ll replace it so something similar to that.
On a side note, where besides Craddocks sells lots of Series 1 parts? I could do with a door pin bracket for the rear door and a skin for one of the 2nd row doors.

Thanks for the recommendations, I’ll leave as is and see how I get on. In the last 3 years I’ve covered 20,000 miles in my IIA and this’ll replace it so something similar to that.
On a side note, where besides Craddocks sells lots of Series 1 parts? I could do with a door pin bracket for the rear door and a skin for one of the 2nd row doors.

I think some parts are only available through Series One club.

Going to tag @Remora107 on that, as he has a 107.
Thanks for the recommendations, I’ll leave as is and see how I get on. In the last 3 years I’ve covered 20,000 miles in my IIA and this’ll replace it so something similar to that.
On a side note, where besides Craddocks sells lots of Series 1 parts? I could do with a door pin bracket for the rear door and a skin for one of the 2nd row doors.

Craddocks is the main (stealer) dealer. They buy all the S1 parts.
I will find a list of suppliers off the SIL the weekend as she has just done 1 like yours.
Turbo man has just shown me this thread , so I thought I would add a few thoughts . I am by no means an expert on the subject , especially 107” station wagons, but I have picked up one or two things in 35 years of owning a Series One . How to fix them , not being one of them . I currently own a 107” tray back with an Automotive Components Remanufacturing (ACR) 2.25 petrol engine in . This makes it possible to keep up with modern day traffic without busting a gut .

First job . Join the Land Rover Series One Club . They stock a wide range of spare parts , many of which are specially commissioned for the club .

Secondly . Take a look , and join, the forum . There are many knowledgeable people there , a number with 107”station wagons, who can help you along the way .

As has already been suggested , if it ain’t broke , don’t fix it . If you do change anything then I would have thought putting in a IIa gearbox might be a good solution , as I believe they are the strongest of the Series ones .

Change the diffs. to ones with a higher gearing ? I am getting out of my knowledge zone here but I believe this is quite a common mod .

Unfortunately both of the best parts suppliers have , or are in the process of , closed down in the last year . Dunsfold Land Rovers and Blanchards have all retired leaving a big hole in the market . I believe much of the remaining stock from Dunsfold was bought by Jon Holmes of Cross Channel Classics https://www.crosschannelclassics.com/ , he might be able to help .

For my self , and many others , Craddocks , and Exmoor Trim, are the merchants of last resort . Both companies do not have a very good reputation when it comes to supplying parts . Whilst there are people who have not had problems with them , there is a significant number of people who have , and won’t use them again .

So if you join the Series One club forum and ask your questions there you should get some useful answers to what you want to find out . https://www.lrsoc.com/forum/index.php

It is good to see one of the old ones being used properly .

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