
Active Member
Hi All,
My mare has just brought a 1998 on lpg, it was running fine for about a day or so but now wont. as soon as you flick it over it just starts spluttering and wont drive. not sure what to do.. has anyone any ideas?
Lol No we thought it had so filled the tank and its still doing it..? there are lights on the gas controler when it flick onto gas its ok for about 30 seconds and then the petrol light (i think) clicks back on and it cuts out?
I had the same and had the gas system serviced and all has been ok since. It needed a new valve I think.

I don't have to manually switch mine over to gas as it does it automatically the same when it runs out of gas it switches to petrol automatically.
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Can't say without some sort of diagnostics, bit I would put my money on the vaporiser.
:welcome2:hi , i would check the filter 1st when was it last serviced or changed . if recently then it may need slight adjustment to the trims .hope this helps ,.cheers mozz:)
Hi All,
All sorted it came down to a poor electrical connection under the bonnet. thanks for the help though.

Just off topic does anyone know a good place to do come light off roadsing rear nottingham.?

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