
New Member
Hi all
I have got to run one wire from the battery right back to one of the rear light compartments. This is for the fridge and charging relay which is for a caravan. Has any body done it and which is he best route to go ??:confused:
Hello. I have lots of extra stuff: auxiliary batteries etc and find it saves a lot of hassle if the wiring is routed under the vehicle e.g. alongside the brake pipes using tough sheathing and good quality clips at 250mm intervals. D..

OOps nearly forgot. with the usual apologies to the old hands for whom, of course, this information is superfluous.
Hello. I have lots of extra stuff: auxiliary batteries etc and find it saves a lot of hassle if the wiring is routed under the vehicle e.g. alongside the brake pipes using tough sheathing and good quality clips at 250mm intervals. D..
NO...........DUNT CUT THE RED WIRE:eek: ....BANG!!OOPS
I would recommend going through the bulkhead with the main loom behing the fuse box under the bonnet and then running it under the door sill trims down by the carpet you should be able to just tuck it under with any luck then just into the boot and anywhere u like. hope this helps.
Hello. I have lots of extra stuff: auxiliary batteries etc and find it saves a lot of hassle if the wiring is routed under the vehicle e.g. alongside the brake pipes using tough sheathing and good quality clips at 250mm intervals. D..

OOps nearly forgot. with the usual apologies to the old hands for whom, of course, this information is superfluous.

what he sez!!!

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