I've been producing my own biodiesel for a bit now and clocked up over 30,000 miles in my TD5 on it. If anything it's better for the engine than pump diesel, not to mention the environment and the pocket.

At times I've run out of bio and had to go back to pump diesel and the engine sounds rougher, more bus like.

I've run it through winter on 100% bio, just need to add a winteriser to make sure it doesn't freeze or go lumpy - exactly the same as pump diesel which will freeze without a winteriser (it's just that the refineries add this before winter starts).

No probems with the emissions - it's a fast pass at the MOT.

The only difficulties with it are the initial setup and establishing a collection round for the used oil.

It cost me about £1500 to start up, but I get all my oil for free, and I reckon so far I've saved between £3,000 and £4,000. Plus because it's not restricted to one vehicle, like a twin tank setup for using oil, it means my ongoing savings are year on year even if I change my landy.

One of the best things is filling up the tank with 25 litres thinking this cost me £6 to make rather than £35, then flooring it past a ponce in a prius....

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