spud murphy

New Member
Anyone had a go at this??
I heard that you have to add oil to it, but question is how much/ ratio and what type??

I assume that you pay duty as per veggie alternatives??
Any feedback appreciated.

Cheers Spud
Heating oil runs at a much higher temp than derv, so you stand a very good chance of doing a lot of damage and the expense of repairing it.
Spud Murphy, I was given 70 gallons of heating oil about 6 months ago and ran it in the Land Rover series 3 stage 1, I added 2 litres of vegetable oil to the tank to improve lubrication in the injector pump.
Winter mix diesel as sold on the southern highlands here is 50/50 diesel and heating oil, if this isn't done the wax in the diesel separates out and clogs the filters and fuel lines.
I did notice a slight loss of power using the heating oil.
I have read the 'similar threads' at the bottom of this page and I can see why using it is not encouraged by other posters on this subject, the customs and excise officers there seem a real nightmare. If I didn't see so many references to them in this forum, I honestly wouldn't have believed it. :eek:
Take care.
Kind regards...Ron.:D
God bless her majesty!!!!

50/50 mix would be great over here until the man from the ministry dipped your tank!!!!!!!

:D :D :D :D :D

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