
Well-Known Member
My bf is running the P38 on veg oil, all was good till the fuel filter clogged up. Put a new filter on and all was fine, it's now about 3000 miles and we've had to change it again.
Does anyone know of an uprated fuel filter that will better cope with running veg oil
, or do we just keep going as we are.

And before anyone asks, yes i have done a :search::p
Just keep changing the filter regularly. Eventually all the s--t will have been cleaned out of the system and you won't need to change it so often.
its the veg oil mixing with whats in the tank creating the muck that blocks the filter, we are soon to get this problem with the increase in bio fuel mix ratio in agric. diesel
i know what's causing the problems, it's the fact that wvo is thicker than derv and thus gunks up the filter quicker, was just wondering if anyone had come across a more suitable fuel filter, though the bf is looking at a filter heaters
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i know what's causing the problems, it's the fact that wvo is thicker than derv and thus gunks up the filter quicker, was just wondering if anyone had come across a more suitable fuel filter, though the bf is looking at a filter heaters

You should never run on pure veg oil. It will clog the filters and pipes and knacker your pump up. It should be mixed with diesel or paraffin.
You should never run on pure veg oil. It will clog the filters and pipes and knacker your pump up. It should be mixed with diesel or paraffin.

running about a 50/50 mix with diesel, don't have a good enough supply to use anymore

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