
Hi Folks,

You may remember my 'Runaway' incident when I first put this thing on the road ? if you don't remember the thread is HERE.

So, I am ok at 'About Town' speeds but when I get onto a motorway I have nasty experiences - When I reach 70+ with my foot down I see the Blue smoke and the engine is running away again - I know its the engine oil that's burning as I can see it go down after such an event as I am keeping an eye on its level.

I have a nasty feeling I burned the oil rings when the thing first had a mind of its own but I want to try and work out where the problem is with some certainty if I can.

Also I get a build up of oil in the air intake side but I am sure there is not enough for a runaway incident just from that - I was thinking Turbo Seals but as I say I dont there enough oil is in there to cause this.

I will more than likely end up taking the engine out and rebuilding it but that wont be until next Summer.

Can anybody shed any light on my problems perhaps?
Yes, when revving for prolonged periods - a few seconds.
That's ok then - surely it shouldn't be difficult to change the Turbo Seals?

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