
Hi All,

Fantastic forum, been reading through for a while now.

I wonder if you can help, I have recently purchased a 2003 4.4 V8 RR Vogue, over the moon with it drives absolutely beautifully but I am having a slight problem, at anything below 2000 revs just general cruising I keep getting a intermittent slight rumbling noise from what sounds under the drives side, and also the rev counter dips slightly at the same time.

Has anyone got any ideas what this might be?

Many thanks for any advice :eek:)

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Oh dear....erm....sounds like those two could be right...

Do a search for the ZF 5HP24 problems.....I have written about it previously and also troll the internet for posts by a guy called RRPhil (Bemble on here) as he is a ZF box legend.

A good place for research is RANGEROVERS.NET HOME as he posts a lot on there, and has a fantastic ZF box tear down thread detailing the components and what the common fail items are.

The Trouble is mainly caused by a bearing that fails between two clutch packs, this causes them the move axially on their shaft wearing out an O ring underneath the A Clutch which seals A clutch from B clutch...this causes a loss of hydraulic pressure holding A clutch in, the electronic control unit then tries to minimise clutch slip by modulating the Lock Up Clutch which causes premature wear to the LUC friction material and the LUC starts to judder...hence the rumble.

Most evident at between 30-50mph on a slight gradient and up a slight incline...like driving over a light cattle grid...

This is accompanied with a fluctuation in revs by the needle moving about by around 200-300rpm.

Reasearch, but first change the Gearbox Oil and Filter and check the condition of the fluid, filter and pan magnets as this can give a good indication of Box condition.

I had a slight vibration, and a fluid and filter changed really did help to smooth things out.
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the fantastic response :)

The mileage on the car is 122K, but the engine purrs like a kitten.

Saint.V8, the car is doing exactly what you have described, so sounds as though it might be the gearbox :eek:

Fortunately I have a full years warranty on the RR and so will hopefully be able to get it sorted.

Great forum, great help, many thanks

OK, so it looks as though I have a naff gearbox :(
Anybody out there who can recommend a good place to get it reconditioned?

Many thanks
Any competent mechanic should be able to replace the torque converter as there’s no requirement to open up the transmission – it just slides of its splines once the transmission is out. Because the transmission has to be removed from the vehicle to gain access, the book time for the whole process is around 5 hours.

A word of warning though. Because it doesn’t have a torsional vibration damper the LUC in the F38 model converter (SACHS WA4/W260 S-2GWK) is particularly sensitive to being set up correctly. The total piston movement, on to off, is only 1mm and the retainer for the piston return springs - which double as tangential driving straps - is friction welded into place so has to be turned off on a lathe and then accurately re-welded in the correct position once the friction plate has been replaced.


For that reason torque converter remanufacturers shy away from this particular model or, if they do offer to recondition it, may not risk attempting to replace the LUC. I’d strongly recommend therefore that you find somewhere that has a lot of experience with this particular model like JPAT or Sussex Autos.

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