First Landy

New Member
Hi Folks, After your help getting the Series 2 going last time I thought I would delve into this pool of knowledge again. I need to get some sort of rubber cover for my Distributor and Coil to stop water getting in there. I have seen them in magazine before but just can't find it again anywhere.

Does anyone know where these are or was I dreaming and am I speaking giberish?

I didn't bother buying "purpose built" covers for mine. For the dizzy I've used an old rubber glove with 6 "O" rings, One large for the dizzy body and 5 small ones to seal around the leads. For the coil I used a balloon.
Yes I know it's a bodge but if it does the job then fine.

Regards WP.
ask one of the gaylander lot if you can have one of their old marigolds, then rush out and but some laccky bands. i'm sure you can figure the rest out
only if you don't have an HT lead othewise yid need to get a pair for them there weird six fingered buggers

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