Jon Dor

Well-Known Member
As you will know, John "Rubberknees" has recently had successful surgery for a large, cancerous bowel tumour. A few days ago he was rushed in again with the complication of a twisted bowel. I just received the following great news from him:

Hi honey I'm home as the man said. Allowed out after tea yesterday. Basically the treatment from Tuesday just steam rollered forward very quickly and by Wednesday afternoon the bowel twisted back Put me on soft food, as you know the bowels started working the food flowed through. Had more tests yesterday and by yesterday afternoon I got the green light. I must admit to feeling drained and very knackered
So spread the word there's still a bit of life in this old dog yet
Cheers John
PS thanks for the funnies

NOTE TO RUBBERKNEES: Stop calling me "Honey", sweetheart!
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As you will know, John "Rubberknees" has recently had successful surgery for a large, cancerous bowel tumour. A few days ago he was rushed in again with the complication of a twisted bowel. I just received the following great news from him:

Hi honey I'm home as the man said. Allowed out after tea yesterday. Basically the treatment from Tuesday just steam rollered forward very quickly and by Wednesday afternoon the bowel twisted back Put me on soft food, as you know the bowels started working the food flowed through. Had more tests yesterday and by yesterday afternoon I got the green light. I must admit to feeling drained and very knackered
So spread the word there's still a bit of life in this old dog yet
Cheers John
PS thanks for the funnies

NOTE TO RUBBERKNEES: Stop calling me "Honey", sweetheart!
Get yourself down the allotment and start muck spreading,you'll be worth your weight in gold. Nice one me duck I bet the nurses gave you the elbow
I have it on great authority that he did one wet fart too many for the cleaning staff...

And beat goes on. All that built up fart trapped not good. Well done in getting back home.
easyJet captain reports a close encounter with a UFO over Rotherham,he said if flew past his cockpit at vast rate of knots displaying a brown vapour trail. The claim is being investigated.Yorkshire police are investigating the mysterious disappearance of a mature male from the Rotherham area.his family said the last they saw of him was when he went into the garden to relieve himself of trapped wind.:eek::eek:
easyJet captain reports a close encounter with a UFO over Rotherham,he said if flew past his cockpit at vast rate of knots displaying a brown vapour trail. The claim is being investigated.Yorkshire police are investigating the mysterious disappearance of a mature male from the Rotherham area.his family said the last they saw of him was when he went into the garden to relieve himself of trapped wind.:eek::eek:

Probably improved the air-quality in Rotherham.
easyJet captain reports a close encounter with a UFO over Rotherham,he said if flew past his cockpit at vast rate of knots displaying a brown vapour trail. The claim is being investigated.Yorkshire police are investigating the mysterious disappearance of a mature male from the Rotherham area.his family said the last they saw of him was when he went into the garden to relieve himself of trapped wind.:eek::eek:

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