When I turned around, I saw the ashen look of my pal Joey trying to turn that key. :(:eek: I too felt the dry mouth creeping in, as my guts :confused::oops: express the only way. A toot then a long frapple and full onslaught trumpeting. I saw Joey dying before my eyes breathing in the fumes spreading around the room. I was quick but not quite quick enough to rescue Joey :oops:
I could only scream out 'JOEY'!!! Till this day, I can see the graphic face in my mind of screwed up face, with two hands strangulated neck and bulging red eyes :( Nam Phartnam.
View attachment 268368
heavy man:eek:
Thanks one and all. Am once again on the road to recovery, well until next time.
I would like to give a big thank you to all the staff at Rotherham District Hospital for the treatment and the way I was looked after. I have now been safety netted which means any admissions in the future I bypass A & E and go straight to the surgical unit.
Oh and a bit of good news, key in ignition fired up first go and up and standing proud. At least the Rangie is showing me the way forward:D:D:D:D
Thanks one and all. Am once again on the road to recovery, well until next time.
I would like to give a big thank you to all the staff at Rotherham District Hospital for the treatment and the way I was looked after. I have now been safety netted which means any admissions in the future I bypass A & E and go straight to the surgical unit.
Oh and a bit of good news, key in ignition fired up first go and up and standing proud. At least the Rangie is showing me the way forward:D:D:D:D
Glad to hear the landy is still ok!! I mean that you're still with us :D

Drink plenty
Thanks one and all. Am once again on the road to recovery, well until next time.
I would like to give a big thank you to all the staff at Rotherham District Hospital for the treatment and the way I was looked after. I have now been safety netted which means any admissions in the future I bypass A & E and go straight to the surgical unit.
Oh and a bit of good news, key in ignition fired up first go and up and standing proud. At least the Rangie is showing me the way forward:D:D:D:D
Good news:D
Thanks one and all. Am once again on the road to recovery, well until next time.
I would like to give a big thank you to all the staff at Rotherham District Hospital for the treatment and the way I was looked after. I have now been safety netted which means any admissions in the future I bypass A & E and go straight to the surgical unit.
Oh and a bit of good news, key in ignition fired up first go and up and standing proud. At least the Rangie is showing me the way forward:D:D:D:D
Hip hip hooray!
Keep fighting our mate :D;)
Only just seen this, glad you're doing OK. Better to get it checked out, than to check out yourself. Or have the aggro of a bag due to stubbornness.

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