Sorry - does this mean I cannot send an email directly?

It is possible that a DNS error is boncing email. What I am suggesting is contacting hosting company as they will have both contact details to pass your message on and if there is a DNS error to fix it.
Sorry for my ignorance, but that doesn't make sense to me?

I have an email from the normal storey email address yesterday -and have tried 4 times now to respond to it directly and all have bounced back as undeliverable.

The RSW website contact us page is non functioning and after he stated my email address would be added to the database yesterday in the email from storey, I still cannot activate the software?

If this "legend" wasn't charging £200 for this I wouldn't even be on here - but at the the moment, with my time added, i think its probably more cost effective to take it back to JLR in Ascot.

You don't sound like your giving this man much time ?
Sorry for my ignorance, but that doesn't make sense to me?

I have an email from the normal storey email address yesterday -and have tried 4 times now to respond to it directly and all have bounced back as undeliverable.

The RSW website contact us page is non functioning and after he stated my email address would be added to the database yesterday in the email from storey, I still cannot activate the software?

If this "legend" wasn't charging £200 for this I wouldn't even be on here - but at the the moment, with my time added, i think its probably more cost effective to take it back to JLR in Ascot.
This legend is saving us money - yes £200 is £200 but trust me with a Range Rover this is pocket change compared to some repair costs....

I am going to send him a mail now and see if that bouces back.....

If JLR Ascot is your dealer....that means you are fairly local to me!


Just sent:

Good Morning Storey,

Sorry for the randomness of this email, but we have a member on LandyZone - Land Rover Forum (m3mark) who has ordered your All Comms kit and he is having difficulty in getting in contact and activating your software.

Could you possibly take a look at your emails and/or log into landyzone and see if you can help please.

A great many thanks,
Last edited:
RR Newbie

Not regretting it, trying to keep up with all the nuances and foibles!

So after 1 EAS error, and £80 lighter for 4 minutes work, reading the forums advice here, on Monday purchased an allcomms from RSW.

Still waiting for the lead to arrive, however downloaded the software and tried to activate it, but wouldn't accept the email address that it was purchased with for activation.

Emailed Storey and had the following reply:-

Yes I received the payment and the package went out yesterday morning.
I have not yet added you to the database of RSWsolutions customers. I will add your email address to the database this evening. Sorry for the delay.

Let me know if you have any more questions.
R. Storey Wilson"

So tried again to activate the software again today and still would not.

I therefore tried to email Storey again and had 3 messages bounce back as follows:-

"Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

Subject: Still Cannot Acvtivate Software
Sent: 07/03/2013 22:33

The following recipient(s) cannot be reached:

'' on 07/03/2013 22:33
Server error: '550 This domain is not hosted here'

Have just left a voicemail for Storey asking for a response, to say I am concerned after spending £200 is an understatement.

If I do not have a response within 24 hrs, I will be using the PAYPAL resolution centre to reclaim my money.

What car is this for?

Email hasn't bounced back.....
Still hasn't been returned undelivered and the mail was sent 2 hours ago....

It is still only 6.45am in Denver at the moment, so not expecting a reply as yet.....but the fact it hasn't been returned means a) the email address I gave to you is valid and b) it could be your email system/client/provider who is failing to deliver the message.

I have also done a trace of his mail box using my mail server (I run several webistes and a mail server from a home built server in the cupboard under the stairs) and the mx record for his email domain comes back all green and good.
I am sorry that you are still having trouble with the software activation. I have sent emails to both your personal account and your girlfriends account. The emails directed to your account are continually bounced.

Your order was placed on March 5th. Your package went out on March 6th. I added both your email and your girlfriends email to the RSWsolutions database on March 7th.

Please make sure and update your software to the most recent version and try the activation process again. I would sugest using your girlfriends email address for activation as your email address seems to have difficulty.

Please make sure to post your resolution to this.

R. Storey Wilson
I am sorry that you are still having trouble with the software activation. I have sent emails to both your personal account and your girlfriends account. The emails directed to your account are continually bounced.

Your order was placed on March 5th. Your package went out on March 6th. I added both your email and your girlfriends email to the RSWsolutions database on March 7th.

Please make sure and update your software to the most recent version and try the activation process again. I would sugest using your girlfriends email address for activation as your email address seems to have difficulty.

Please make sure to post your resolution to this.

R. Storey Wilson
Many thanks for your reply Storey.....
Have received the code now from Storey and it has activated the software.

After more research - I realise more of the history behind this product and Storey's work, I sincerely apologise and have deleted all previous posts.

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