
Active Member
Just wondering if anyone has had recent experience with fitting aftermarket windscreen seals and how they fared?
I've had my screen in and out a couple of times no probs in the past but had to replace the screen and seal recently resulting in a bearmach seal that refused to go in and a broken heated screen :-(
I have a new screen ready to fit but can't decide whether to chance another cheap seal or bite the bitter bullet and pay £150+ for a gen lr one...
Any new seal can be tough to fit gen Land Rover or aftermarket , just takes time loads of lube ie washing up liquad mixed with water and a plastic dibber
Thanks vee,
doing the job with the old seal was a sinch before but the bearmach one was just too tight. I did it right with absolutely tons of soapy and good cord to pull it in but it was so tight that the groove that holds the screen in actually ripped at the bottom, The heated elements on the side were still on view and there was absolutely no way I could fit the spreader pieces then on the last corner I wrecked the screen anyhow..
Just wondered if spending the extra on a genuine one really would be worth the massive amount of money. I steer clear of blue or related colour boxes where I can but money is tight at the mo..
Thanks guys, must admit I didn't do that but mostly as it was a really hot day. Still haven't decided whether to chance a pattern seal or cough up for a genuine one..
Seal the lips to the screen and body with black bostik before you fit the filler strips then clean off what is squeezed out. It will never leak.
Thanks wammers, I had considered that as a precaution and also in the hope but might kinda double up as an additional lube :D
Thanks wammers, I had considered that as a precaution and also in the hope but might kinda double up as an additional lube :D

You only do it on the outside with a sealing gun after the screen is in. If you are having problems pulling the string out use a bit of washing up liquid as lube. Black Bostik seal standard practice back in the day.

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