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Hello all,

1991 RRC V8 auto LPG a/c.

Speed I and II on the fan stopped working about two months ago, but III works fine. Then about a month ago, I and II came back: all was well. Then last week I and II have gone again.

Question: I assume it is the resistor pack. According to this I can replace it without taking the dash out. But do I need to replace it? Might it just be a lose connection? Or does ther dash need to come out? (that link is for a LHD, are RHDs different?)

When the fan only operates on high it often points to a bad blower resistor.

Edit : From my recent research I recall you can replace it from the intake grill opening.
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west slope rover is correct you replace the resistor pack from the front cowel grill intake ...
the upgrade resistor pack is better ...but it has a plug that goes through the fire wall thats a bogger to get to..if you lucky it will come through the hole...and to get to the old resistor...small hands help...good luck..
got mine from atlantic britsh for £30 ish and as its an upgrade it wont go wrong again in theory. my plug did not come through the bulkhead grommet so I ended up splicing the wires together through the hinge hole in the decker panel. not great fun but it worked and saved me taking the decker off.
i also got mine from atlantic british..nice upgrade...but i unpluged mine from behind the dash...to install...
Thanks for the replies. All three settings starting working again....then it was only III.........then all of them worked again.

Have I got a loose wire/connection? If so, any idea where that might be?

got mine from atlantic britsh for £30 ish and as its an upgrade it wont go wrong again in theory. my plug did not come through the bulkhead grommet so I ended up splicing the wires together through the hinge hole in the decker panel. not great fun but it worked and saved me taking the decker off.

I think the Atlantic British item is now sold by Paddocks or Rimmers or maybe Famous Four, if you do a search it should pop up. BTW I agree with fett, probably easier to splice wires than take half the front of the car off.
its sold by britpart :eek: but they have only stuck a lable on the atlanic britsh box. I got mine from dingo croft.

jumbo it will be the resistor breaking up , just fit an upgrade
Still haven't gotten around to this yet (waiting for better weather), but I have noticed something:

The first time it started working again for a while was just after I jet washed it.

The second time it started working again for a while was just after I jet washed it.

The third time it started working again for a while was just after it went through a car wash.

Why would water make it work?

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